Chapter 2

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Katies POV -
Annie grabs the camera out of the front seat and turns it on leaning nearer to me so they can see both of us, i look at her a moment too long as the camera films me staring i feel myself going red.
Annie: guys guess what best news everrrr! Katie, ryan and brennan are sleeping over today!
Katie: I can't wait!
Annie: so anyways katie what should we do when we get to mine?
She looks at me and i look at the camera trying to avoid eye contact.
Katie: umm gym on the trampoline?
Annie: yaaassss!
We giggle and she turns off the camera, the whole ride home i sit watching her talk to me, i smile, and nod. She really is perfect. I really do love her.
Annies POV -
We get in and brennan is sitting on the couch with ryan and hayley he looks up and smiles at me. I smile and walk to the back yard holding katies hand to help her down the stairs to the trampoline as it still hurts her a bit.
Brennan: should we go outside with the girls hay?
Hayley: ye sure!
Ryan: hayley can you come down in the basement to play the game you showed me last week?
Hayley: sure. Brennan you choose what you want to do!
Brennans POV -
It's really not the same without caleb, all the same i walk outside and wave to the girls
Annie: hey brennnnaaaannnnn
She says as she flips
Brennan: (under his breath) wow!
Katie: Brennan did you bring our swim stuff like I asked? Can you go get them if so... ask hay to grab annies too please?
Brennan: okay!
Annie: thank you!
Katies POV - annie stares at the lake, wow she's stunning!
Annie: katie... the brannie comments are really annoying me...
Katie: huh? Why just ignore them...
Annie: it's hard it really upsets me
She burst into tears.
Katie: oh annie
I say hugging her tight and smoothing her hair, she looks up at me and hugs me back and then nuzzles into my leotard.
Annie: (whispering) i think i like Brennan, that's why it upsets me...
I freeze and let go. She looks at me confused
Katie: ummm you... um you should tell him...
Annie: you sure?
Katie: ye definitely. Let's go inside don't worry about the lake we can totally do that tomorrow.. or later.
Annie: ye... ye okay.
Annies POV -
I look at katie and something doesn't feel right. I don't know what it is though...
we walk inside and Brennan and i go over to the kitchen.
Annie: hey Brennan, umm you know.. well the.. comments... um the brannie... um comments..-
He kissed me.
For some reason i riggled away.
It didn't feel right. But I kept on going.
Annie: well um yes that!
Brennan grabbed me and kissed me again...
But something still didn't feel right, but once again I carried on.
Annie: so um...-
Brennan: yes Annie i like you too... and I would love if we could see where this could go?
Annie: umm... yes... i mean me too... sure...
Brennan pulled me downstairs and we sat there... talking for hours. But we just felt like friends. Close friends.

I walked up stairs to katie she was on her phone.
I felt so bad.
She was beautiful.
Best friend goals. I laughed out loud and katie looked at me confused and kind of hurt. Probably because i left her..
Katie: lets go outside then... lake?
Annie: yep we'll do a bit more to the vlog if that's okayyyy?
Katie: yep sure!
We changed and did a little vlogging and had loads of fun in the lake.
Annies POV -
I splashed katie and she laughed and ran after me, we were having so much fun, we sat on the doc, tired and cold, we wrapped up in one big towel and hugged eachother close looking out on the water and sun set, i lent my head on katie. This felt right.
Annie: katie... when we go inside can we just well talk?
Katie: of course Annie.
I looked up at her and smiled and she smiled back.
Brennan ran up behind us and pulled me in with him. Him touching me felt wrong but i went along with it, we were in the water and he held my waist, he looked at me and I looked at katie, she was smiling. Her fake smile. I jumped up and pulled her legs in with me and held her. That felt right. Brennan helped me and Katie up from the doc and we got changed.
Later that night
Katies POV -
Me and annie were downstairs watching movies snuggled under one big blanket she was hugging me and i had one arm rapped around her, she picked up the camera.
Annie: sooo me and katie are watching films it's the best sleepover ever!
Brennan comes in and annie turns the camera off.
Brennan: hey guys, annie we need to talk.
Annie sits up and stretches she's so cute.. i smile at her and she stands up and walks off.

Annies POV -
Brennan: (shows annie some kannie videos and hashtags) umm i what's going on?
Annie: (smiling) um I'm not sure...
She quickly wipes the smile off her face and looks seriously at Brennan.
Brennan hugs her and tells her that she can tell him anything as a friend of boyfriend. I nod and walk back to katie. She's crying!
I run to her and hug her.
Annie: what's up?!
Katies phone was left on by her lap and videos of kannie were playing... did she really hate the idea that much?

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