Turn Back Time :)

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If I could turn back time & erease the event that had stained me till this day. I would, the wish to forget that dreadful night in which my temple was invaded by a man....
A man who with just a touch made my stomach churn and my skin curl.

It all started on a regular Saturday night. I had been staying over at my older sister's house after a family party when it all happened. I was laying down on the floor while on my phone when he came in. A dark figure emerged and slowly made its way towards me and then It all happened ....the feeling of hands roaming my body.
The dominance he had over my body didn't just make feel disgusting but it humiliated me; the fact that I had no control over what was happening. It was as if my body had shut down. No feeling was left in my body as his filthy hands roamed; the once stainless parts of my body.

After what seemed like forever the man left. Leaving me bare in the pitch dark room crying. I remember laying down staring into nothingness feeling scared to even look at myself in the mirror.
The sensation of his rough body pressing against me still played in my head and body.

After that night life wasn't life anymore. It was a never ending nightmare. Keeping the truth for so long changed me. I was no longer that girl who...saw the best in people and In the world.

For me the world was filled with monsters.... Monsters like him.

Who take advantage of the innocent. The ones who ruin a persons life in a matter of seconds.
That man destroyed me. I hated myself and my body. I cried sometimes in the shower when scrubbing my body. Remembering that night.

And today I wish that I could've reached out and get help. That I wouldn't have kept it all inside for so long because... all I needed was someone to guide me. Help me through a nightmare that left me broken. And if I would've done that I might not have becomed the person I am today.

I'm like this shell... I have trouble letting people into my life because of that dark scary fear in me. I push those who only tried to help away and till this day I do it.

Now if you ask me if there was anything I would ever change from the past.

I would say " Yes "

Because I would Turn Back Time and eareas the heartache, loss, pain, fear and more importantly him.


Should I make a story out of this...?
I don't know 🤔

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