Moon Fright

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In the small town of Bandra lived a young teen named David. He lives with his parents and his little sister Courtney. He has a normal life he goes to school has good grades and great friends. But this story isn’t about his past. This story is about what change him forever.

Let us go back; back where? To the beginning when David was not looking forward to going to school. Every day this one bully would always give him a hard time. While David was asleep in his room; his mum and Courtney wore in the kitchen making the school lunches.

“Courtney get your brother up will you; it’s nearly time to leave. If you don’t hurry you’ll miss the bus” His mum softly said.

“yep, I’ll get him up” Courtney replied smiling.

She walks to David’s room and slowly opens the door. She looks at David but then she notices David’s drum set, she smiled to herself, thinking of a definite way of getting her brother up. Slowly she sat down at the drums. She grabs the drum sticks and began to bang them on the drums.

David jumps out of bed in surprise; she laughed at him and ran out of the room with David close on her heels.

They both ran to the kitchen almost running into ether.

“No running” their mum yelled.

“I got him up, mum” she smiled. 

“Ha-ha and by the way you suck at the drums” David smirked.

“Oh god; look at the time, you need to get to the bus. Come on get dressed, I’ve got to get to work” his mum shouted, pushing him out the door.

After he got dressed; David and Courtney waked to the bus stop.

“So what are you doing at school today?” Courtney asked.

“I have music first, then Ag, but I don’t know what else I got”

“You going to punch the bully today?” Courtney asked again, a hint of eagerness present in her voice. “No he will kill me!” he yelled, exaggerating on the word Kill.  

“Maybe you need to grow so balls. You know boxing, kick his ass”

“Haven’t you seen him? He is huge” David raised his voice.

“Ok, no need to get angry.”

“Sorry, he pisses me off” David said.

The bus stops and open its door. Courtney pushes past David, “Beauty comes first” she laughed. David walks on the bus and sat next to his best mate, Matt.

“How you going Dave” Matt asked.

“Yeah, could be better”

“Oh, are you worrying about Ben?” Matt asked.

“Ben is always an asshole” he said.

“You’ll be fine. Hey do you have some arrows for your long bow? I need some” Matt asked.

“Yeah, I’ll go to my grandads and get some.”

“What do you have to go to his for?” Matt asked.

“My bow and arrows are there.” David smiled. “Hey Courtney. I’m going to Grandad’s after school, don’t forget to tell mum!” he yelled to the back of the bus.

“Yep” she answered blankly.

As they stopped at the school, David noticed that Ben was standing at the bus stop, staring at his bus. David was shitting himself; he tried to get in a group of people so Ben couldn’t see him. David kept an eye on him, but people got in his view of sight and David lost sight of him.

David began running past everyone, trying to run inside the school. Before he could get to the door, he has knocked over by none other than Ben.

“Come on Dave, are you trying to stay away from me?” Ben asked with a wicked smile, as he picked David up by the collar of his shirt.

“Leave me alone, Ben”

“Why don’t you make me!” he shouted out in anger.  David drew back his hand and flung it at his face, Ben didn’t even feel it.

“Oh, you want to play do ya?” Ben laughed. He head butted David’s nose, kneed him in the chest and punched him in the face knocking him to the ground. David’s nose was pissing out blood as he tried to get up. Ben kicked him in the gut

“Don’t start what you can’t finish” He spat out as David laid there on the ground in pain, bloody and bruised.

Matt ran to David “Hey Dave, get up mate. Lets get you to sick bay,” Matt helped him up. Matt walked him in the sick bay.

“Oh my god! What happened?” Amy asked. David had known Amy for years. He even would go as far to say that he has a crash on her, but he was never able to say hello.

“Ben and him had a fight” Matt stated.

“Who started it?” she asked.

“I didn’t see” Matt answered.

“He started it” David mumbled just loud enough for them to hear. Matt slowly laid him on the bed.

“I’ll get the school nurse,” he said running out the door.

“Are you ok, James?” Amy asked, sitting next to him.

“My name is David” he laughed.

“Oh sorry, David, that looks bad” she stated, holding his hand.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked.

“I’ve been sick for weeks, I got a cold and its killing me.” she sniffled.

“Well, you don’t look like me” he said. They both laughed.

“Have I meet you before?”

“No, but we have been in the same school for as long as I can remember” he replied, looking in her eyes.

“Well, there is a disco coming up soon. Do you want to go with me?” she asked.

“Yeah, that would be great” he smiled just at Matt burst into the room.

“Here he is.” Matt stated, as he showed David to the nurse.

“Oh, who did this?” she asked David.

“Ben Williamson.”

“How you are feeling?”

“I’ve got a bit of a headache.”

“Is there anyone we can ring at home?”

“No, mum and dad are both at work.”

“Is there anyone else?” she asked. David thinks for a minute.

”There is my grandad, he’s always home”

“Do you have his number?”

“Yeah.” David grabs his phone out of his pocket and passes it to Matt. He finds David’s grandad’s number on the phone and gives it to the school nurse. She grabs the phone and walks out the door with the phone at her ear.

thanks for reading =) more to come hope u liked it

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