"You still on the same shit I see. When you gon stop acting like that man? You too beautiful to be living this kind of life and-."

"Don't tell me what the hell type of life I should or shouldn't be living, especially not while there's a wedding band on your left hand. Now get the hell out my house before wifey doesn't see her bitch ever again." She snapped, her eyes immediately squeezing shut in attempts to stop herself from allowing her anger to progress.

She didn't like to get like that, not wanting to allow herself to get out of character in the sense she managed to do many times. She hated it though, but only that aspect of herself considering she was fine with everything else. Everything else that nobody else understood, but everybody else seen.

She could hear a small sigh fly past the man's lips, his feet moving before his mouth could to walk up closer in her direction. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, he planted a small kiss on the back of her neck, her body tensing up with her face contoured in a grimace. She was disgusted, the feeling of affection being placed upon her causing her skin to crawl...it was dramatic, but she couldn't help it. That wasn't her, she wasn't that type of girl.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll call you later and-."

"Don't." She cut in, instantly unclasping his arms from around her body to turn in his direction. Giving him a sharp glare before taking a step back since she knew what was to come next. "And delete my number, don't even know how you got that."

She could see his eyebrows furrow in confusion, a small tilt of his head causing her to roll her eyes. Brushing past him, she latched her hand onto the doorknob to grant him his exit ticket. Not understanding why the clear indication of this experience being solely for her pleasure and her pleasure only not translating. This wasn't someone new either, but he also wasn't anybody she cared to get to know. Just like everyone else who ended up in her bed almost every night.

"Man, you don't always got to act like that. Stop being so damn-." Stopping him mid sentence again, Jahzara trailed her eyes over towards the wine bottle that rested peacefully on her small table next to the front door. She stood mute for a second, contemplating on if she wanted to use it on him or not considering he was well aware of this process.

"You have 5 seconds, if you're still in my presence after that then...well...no promises." She winked, watching the defeated look that instantly fell over his face. Her hand motioned it's way towards the front door that was still open, a subtle breeze adding a small draft into the entryway due to the January weather.

"You have a good night." He chuckled bitterly, nothing else aside from his exit out of the house being communicated between the two. Watching him the entire way down the hallway, Jahzara couldn't wipe the smile from off of her face, her shoulders going up in a small shrug at the frustration in his demeanor. Something she would be lying if she said she cared about.

Going to close her door back to continue on in her lonesome, she grew alert from the resistance behind it. Her first thought to defend herself, except she didn't need to once she heard the voice coming from the other end.

"Maleah open this damn door..." Rolling her eyes, she pulled the door back open to see her two closest friends on the other end with weird looks on their faces. Her expression mirroring theirs, considering they for one knew not to call her by that name, and she also didn't understand why they were at her house at this time.

"Jazlyn...Stasia...go home." She fake smiled, though her demand fell upon deaf ears once Stasia sucked her teeth to push the door open some more. Both her and Jazlyn bombarding their way inside as though they owned the place, finding nothing wrong considering they spent a lot of their time there anyways. It would be hard to tell they didn't live there aside from the fact they paid no bills.

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