Chapter 8 - Trying To Move On

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Gosh I was acting like such a teenager. Who cares if we said bye, that's what normal human beings do. It doesn't matter at all.

He's the one who made me drop the tool kit. Such a mean guy.

But if he was so mean, why did still care if my foot was hurt or not? That doesn't seem mean. That is actually...nice.

My mind was boggled. I didn't know what to think of him. Was he just faking everything or did he actually genuinely mean everything he's doing?

I opened my house door and plopped myself onto the couch. I should have been packing upstairs but I was just too lazy.

I decided to call up Andrew. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and dialed his digits.

He picked up after a few seconds. "Hello?"

"Andrew! It's me, Sophia!" I said excitedly, glad he picked up.

"Oh hey Sophia, glad you got back to me." He spoke, happily.

"Soo..about that date?" I asked shyly.

"Tomorrow night?" He asked.

"Sure, I'm free." I said with a smile.

"Great. Well then, I'll pick you up at 6?" He asked me.

"Yup, perfect."

"I hope you don't mind, but I was kind of wishing you could come to my dad's business party? As my date? It's conveniently tomorrow and I was guessing it would be.."

"Yes! I'd love to come!" I exclaimed, I really enjoyed parties.

"Great! One problem," he dragged off, chuckling slightly, "Where do you live?"

I laughed, "Two blocks down from the elementary school, first house on the block."

"Okay, sounds good. See you soon, Sophia. Oh, by the way, wearing something very very fancy if you don't mind."

"Okay, I will. Bye Andrew." I said, with a smile.

This was my time to forget Tyler. We had a past, and now it's time for the future. There is no point wishing for us to be more, when we already have.

I've said this millions of times, we have had our time, the chapter in our life is over. Time to move on. But no one will understand how much it hurts.

He was my first love, the first person I have ever felt this way with. It was like he was the only person that could make me happy.

He was my first everything. How could I have forgotten him like he forgot me? But I was kind of glad he had moved on, and became happy with that red haired woman. I just hope he was happy, because that's all I wanted for him.

He deserves the happiness. He deserves to have someone better than me. I wasn't even that pretty. I was insecure, and just scared.

I was scared that he would find someone better. And he did. I guarantee that woman makes him a hundred times more happy that I ever did. But to be completely honest, if I had figured out that he had a girlfriend like a year ago, I'm sure I would be more heartbroken.

My feelings for him had gone down drastically. But now, I think they might be coming back. it's not my fault, I don't want them to be back, but they're coming. They're rising very fast which why it is good that I'm going out with Andrew.

"Honey, are you home?" My mom called out, as I was laying on the couch, foot elevated with ice on top and the remote in my hand.

I turned my body and looked towards the door. "Finally you're home!" I exclaimed. She left yesterday morning and now she's here.

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