Chapter 7 - The First Encounter - Part 2

Start from the beginning

Arundati in total fear panned her head towards the bed to see the monster that crawled over her.

The hand belonged to the monster!

The monster was a man!!

A man little in size!!!

And the man was not a man!!!

He was a toddler.

Yes! A two feet and 12kg heavy monster that gave her the heart attack was no one but a toddler.

And before Arundati could think 'WTF!!!!??'

Erupted this explosion of hysterical scream that almost woke up the entire House of Sebastian.


The little demon! The toddler! Screaming tantrums.

The Woman by the door jumped to catch the little demon and swiftly exited the bedroom and locked the door on her way out.

A second later, she opened the door again, still grappling the screaming little devil in her arms and apologetically said "Sorry about that, dear!!!" then she disappeared.

The loud screaming could still be heard, now fading away and mapping their way probably to return the devil to where it came from.
The hell!

Still frozen in shock!

Arundati's thoughts were totally filled with blank and stood there in numb forever with her eyes and mouth wide open, until she could feel the warmth of her pee slowly seeping to her thighs from her panties to the pajamas.

Arundati slumped in disgust, and motioned a step forward to the bathroom.

She was stopped by a knock on the door.

'NOW WHAT??? !!!!' thought Arundati irritatedly.

"It's me! Miss!" announced Mr Jesudas.

Arundati shifted near to the frame of her bed that held the curtains, to strategically conceal her pee stain.

Arundati swallowed her disgust and hesitantly answered "Yes! Come in."

He opened the door and let himself in, and enquired "are you alright, Miss?"

She nodded a yes, with a struggling smile.

Mr Chellam apologetically started "Sorry about the inconvenience! The nanny slept when the boy sneaked out of his room, I think he was looking for his mother, Mrs Sebastian.

Master Sebastian is a toddler..... You see?!..... He's been very cranky since his mom left this evening. We're very sorry, you know. Good night, Miss!"

Arundati with a fake grin greeted "Good night, Thank you!"

He turned again on his way out and with a very concerned look at her dress and said "you need......... anything else?....... Miss?!"

Arundati came forward to him, and assuredly said "No, thank you! I'm good. Good night! And with a one more fake grin held the door to close, then slammed it shut with the latch in place.

Arundati looked down and realized she forgot to conceal the wet stain by her crotch.
'Ahhh IDIOT?!' she blamed herself.
She face palmed in shame and went to the bathroom carefully not to leave any trail of drops on the floor.

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