"Something bad happens and Cora's involved, typical."

"Wait you know my mother?" Regina asked Adelaide who was sat on the other side of Henry.

"I lived in Rumpelstiltskin's tower for almost two hundred years. I met almost every one of his apprentices. But enough about your mother, we need to get Gold." Adelaide said rising. Together with Regina they went to interrupt Gold's date with Belle. She entered it and went straight to it. "We need to talk."

"Do we?" Gold said as soon as he saw Regina behind her. Granny saw what was about to happen and wasn't taking any chances.

"Folks, I think I may need to close early. Uh everybody out."

"No, it's okay. We're civil."

"Yeah for now, Belle." Gold said and Adelaide knew she was about to bring up the past. "You remember the woman who locked you up for twenty-eight years."

"Coming from the man who locked me up for two hundred years,"

"Uh, I should probably just-" Belle said trying to get out of the conversation but Gold wasn't going to let her.

"No, no. Please stay where you are, whatever she has to say won't be a secret from you. whatever she wants, she won't get."

"Well I think you might want to change your mind Gold," Adelaide said smiling, knowing that she could get him to agree even if he doesn't want to. "Because this could possibly be the only thing that could unite you both."

"And what on Earth can that be?"


"She's coming from our land," Regina said taking over when Gold finally was ready to listen. "I-We need your help to stop her."

"But she was dead, you told me you saw the body."

"Apparently you taught her well. She's not and she's on her way, I don't think any of us need to remind you just how unpleasant that would be for all of us."

"For Regina," Gold said still showing resistance but Adelaide could tell he was close to cracking, close to giving them the help he needs. "I can handle Cora."

"That's not how she tells the story."

"I won in the end,"

"Perhaps. I was there remember. But this time, there's a big difference – this time you have someone you care about mixed into the equation which means that you have a weakness. You know what Cora is like with weaknesses."

"I'm... I'm sorry." Belle said not understanding where Adelaide was going because she could see the changes in Gold's expression. Adelaide knew exactly how to press his buttons. "Who... who is this woman?"

"Someone you'll never meet, so you say she's coming. Where is she now?"

"With them," Regina said and Gold knew he had no choice now.

Adelaide set up the bed for Henry so that he could go under to find Aurora. Henry lay on it and he looked terrified so Adelaide sat with him.

"Everything's going to be okay Henry,"

"How do you know?"

"Because I know you, and I know Snow and your mom." Adelaide said pushing his hair out of his eyes and looking at him directly in the eye. "They're not going to stop until they get back to you, and knowing that you're going to be there to help them is going to push them to work harder. I have faith in you and in them,"

"Thanks Adelaide, will you be here... when I wake up."

"If you want me to be here, then I will,"

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