Chapter Eleven

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I was woke up by Emily shaking my shoulder "Princess, Cosmic is awake. She's asking for you" I opened my eyes. Cosmic was sitting up in bed, glaring at Emily who shifted under the hybrid's gaze.

"You remember Emily, Right?" I spoke in a soft tone. Comsic's gaze switched to me and her eyes softened as she nodded "She's going to heal the angel side in you"

"You can't, she's dying." Her gaze went back to Emily and her glare returned. I gripped her face in my hand and turned her back towards me

"You'll be fine. She just wants to help, baby." Her body visibly relaxed when I said the word baby causing my wolf to howl loudly in my head.

"You can try." She closed her eyes and pulled her head from my grip, replacing her head with her hand. Ms. Black and Emily both looked shocked seeing her so nonchalant about the topic. Emily moved closer and started hooking up the chains holding Cosmic to the bed. She never opened her eyes but growled lowly when Emily's arm was over her.

"It's fine. I'm going to help you" Emily kept a strong tone but I could tell she was terrified of Cosmic.

"Her name is Eos" Cosmic's voice was soft as if not wanting to disturb someone "She's apart of Erebus. They were split somehow. Erebus was bad and Eos was good." I listened as she spoke. I could tell everyone in the room felt the shift in the air as Cosmic spoke. It was obviously a sore subject for her so no one spoke. "We aren't killing her. We are trying to protect her." I smiled even though she couldn't see me. I looked around and saw Ms. Black and Emily had both left the room seeing this as a private moment.

"You are doing a very good job. Can you tell me why she is weak in the first place?" Cosmic's head snapped over to me.

"It's none of your concern!" Her voice has gone cold. I stood up and turned towards the door. "Where are you going?" Her voice back to its soft tone now

"I'm trying to help you but you don't want me to so I am leaving."

"Don't go" Her voice cracked slightly, turning back I saw the tears in her eyes.

"Cosmo, I can't help you if you don't tell me as much as you can"

"It's hard, okay? This is all my fault. I'm a monster!" Her voice was raw and tears flowed down her face. My wolf was trying to get me closer to Cosmic but I held back.

"Tell me what happened" I spoke allowing a bit of alpha to come out even though I knew it wouldn't affect her

"She wanted to protect me but she wasn't strong enough!" She slammed her fist down on her thigh. Her eyes were pitch black and her face held so much pain. I stepped a little bit closer, just to let her know I was there "Erebus isn't supposed to have any angel but we needed to make it out!" She growled and I felt the air in the room thicken.

"Erebus, it is okay" I purred moving closer, only stopping when I was could reach Cosmic's face. Erebus had taken over and was watching me curiously

"You forced me out" Erebus's voice was gravely as if she hadn't spoken in months "I've never been forced to take control"

"You told me you only take control when Cosmic is scared. I figured if she got angry and scared at the same time. You'd be forced into control." Erebus laughed moving to a proper sitting position

"Why did you need my attention? Cosmic squealed like a pig and told you everything." She paused "Well, not everything but you've heard enough today." I smiled at her, cupping her face in my hand I placed my forehead against hers and smiled at her. "Why did you call me out?" She whispered

"I need your permission for something. I want to heal your angel side but I'd have to block you out for a couple of weeks." Erebus seemed to be thinking about but in the end she nodded

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