Chapter 1: A First Encounter

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"So then that's when I said, 'Ground chuck? More like, ground what the fuck?!'" Shadi and Chuck let out a roar of laughter. I raised an eyebrow at them, not laughing a bit. "Like, seriously? What was that shit she made?" Shadi continued his little story a bit more, before the two of them turned to me. "Ey, Kev? Why aren't you laughing?" I shrugged. Shadi and Chuck exchanged glances. "Whatever.. So, Shadi, what happened next?" Chuck asked Shadi. I sighed. Hanging out with Shadi and Chuck was fun, but I sometimes didn't get their sense of humor. Shadi was my best friend since I started high school. He was a bit of a jerk, and had a short temper to match, but he was usually in a happy mood. Chuck was Shadi's other best friend. They knew each other since preschool. Chuck was a nice guy, and was actually pretty smart, but his pyromania matched his intelligence. To put it simply, they were a duo of idiots. Or, I guess you could say they were iduoits! Haha.. Nothing like a good pun, amirite? Of course, if I told Shadi, he'd punch me in the face. He likes to punch people. Yeesh, am I gonna be like that when I'm a senior? I yawned, looking around. Will we ever get to this stupid restaurant? I'm bored.. My stomach rumbled. And hungry... "Shadi....." I tugged on his shirt like a little kid. Childish, I know, but when food's involved, you gotta do what you gotta do. My stomach rumbled again. "I'm hungry..... Are we there yet?" I looked up at him, matching his confused gaze at me. Shadi is actually real tall for a 17 year old. I mean, he's already nearly 7 feet. My dad wasn't even 7 feet at 17. He's not even 7 feet at all. "Does it look like we're there yet?" Shadi rolled his eyes. "Be patient will ya? You're 14, not 4." Well, excuse me for being hungry. I can hear your stomach growling from here.. "We should probably hurry up though.." Chuck came in. "We promised Daisy we'd meet her at the Steak and Shake around 1:30. It's nearly 1:00 now." Daisy was another of Chuck and Shadi's senior friends. She was also Shadi's girlfriend, but, that's just minor information. Speaking of girls, I happened to notice some girls playing in the park nearby. The oldest looked a year or two younger than me, while the youngest looked about 3. However, there was one girl that stood out from the others. She looked about 10 or so.. Hold the phone! Did... she just wave at me? Oh god, what do I do? Think Kevin, think! I smiled nervously as I waved back to the girl, the biggest blush forming on my face. I continued to look at her, kind of forgetting my surroundings as I walked. But I couldn't help it! She has the prettiest gray eyes, and she has brown hair in cute little pig tails, and she has an amazing blue dress.. and... Suddenly, everything went black. I think I lost consciousness for a bit, because when everything became clear again, Shadi and Chuck were looking at me like I was insane, and I was lying face up on the grass. "Jesus Christ Kevin! Watch where you're going! You ran into that light post!" Shadi pointed at a nearby light post. I rubbed my head. "Sorry... Just got distracted. I'll watch my step next time." Shadi sighed. "You better! Last thing I need is to be dragging you off to the hospital or something..." Chuck snickered a bit. "Come on you two.. No need to start arguing now. Daisy's waiting." Chuck helped me up, and the three of us made our way towards Steak and Shake. But... will I ever see the girl again?

(And that's Chapter 1 done! Now here's a bit of information

One, this story is in First Person View of Valant. I might decide to do some FPV of Thalassa later, but until then, it will be exclusively Valant.

Two, I will have things in different fonts based on what's going on. Normal means a character is doing an action, words and phrases in "double quotes" means a character is talking, italicized is Val's, or whoever's view it is, thoughts, and bolded means it is a flashback. Yes, this entire chapter is a flashback, and the next one might be too. And maybe the third. Too many flashback chapters, I know, but it's worth it, I assure you.

Three: The pictures used are not, and most likely will not be, mine. Of course, if they are mine, I will say so in parentheses, like here. Also, the picture used for this chapter is the closest thing to a child Valant I could find. If anyone has a better, good quality picture, I'd be glad to use it. Chapter 2 should be released in the next day or two. Until then, enjoy the first chapter of Alakacutie!

Edit: Whoops, forgot to mention that Valant's real name being Kevin Gigillan is a headcanon. His real name isn't actually known. If it does become known in later years, I will edit this chapter. Check my Amino page for more info.)

Alakacutie: A Valassa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now