「Chapter 11」

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The hyperactive boy jumps down and looks at her, eyes twinkling. "You're Aly, right? I came to see you~ The last time I met you two, it was fate~"

"Yes. You were misbehaving then, too, weren't you?" I say.

He laughs, rubbing his head. "I was just excited~"

Kyo, seeing his chance, snatches him up and hulls him behind the curtain we had hung up to cover the storage of riceballs. I go over to my bag to get the candy bar I promised Momiji before following he and Skylar behind the curtain.

"Now, you stay here and sit still," Kyo growls.

Momiji's holding his head, whining. "Waah! Kyo loves violence!"

"Kyo, you really shouldn't hit him," Skylar reprimands lightly. "He doesn't know any better."

"Doesn't know any better?" Kyo parrots in disbelief. "What the hell're you talking about?"

"Here," I say, bending down. "The candy bar I promised."

Tohru peeks in before Momiji can reply. "Is everything alright?"

He immediately stops crying. "You're Tohru Honda, right?"

She steps in as I stand up, nodding. "That's right."

"Let's all be friends, okay?" he says, looking eagerly between Skylar, Tohru, and I.

"Of course," Tohru says, smiling.

"So, you two already know about the whole Zodiac thing, right?" he asks, getting on his feet and smiling even wider.

"Oh, yes," she says.

"Great!♡" Momiji cheers. "That means I can hug you!"

He leaps out, ready to tackle Tohru and I, only to be caught by Kyo. "Hold it, lover-boy."

"But Tohru and Aly don't mind if I transform in front of them, do you guys?"

"That's not the problem!" Kyo barks. "Do you even know where you are!?"

"You're just trying to keep them all to yourself because they're so cute," Momiji retorts, angry. "You already have Skylar—why do you need Tohru and Aly too?"

Kyo turns bright red, completely caught off guard as he retracts his hand. "What do you mean I already have Skylar!? Who the hell would want them!?"


With a small leap, he crashes into Tohru and I, knocking us to the ground with a poof!

Frantic voices fill the classroom at the noise.

"What was that? An explosion!?"

"Where'd Tohru and Aly go?"

"Skylar?" Natsuhiko wonders, a little worried as he pulls away the curtain. "What happened?"

Tohru looks speechlessly at the him, completely lost on what to say about the rabbit now lying between us.

"What was that?" Natsuhiko asks Skylar.

She laughs uneasily, ruffling her hair, as Kyo rubs his forehead, face pale.

"Aren't these Momiji's clothes?" Minami gapes, picking up Momiji's jacket.

Her Otherworldly Smile (Kyo⨯OC; Yuki⨯OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum