"Hey Japan."

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Pic: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/64/82/16/648216b1f962944b2c1801917a1a6e09.jpg


"Hey Japan look!" a girl cried out, pointing to a silhouette. "Is that your new friend?"

Said nation looked towards the silhouette that moved closer towards him. Soon the silhouettes divided into two and he found himself looking up at his Italian and German counterparts.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"I know this may be sudden." The buff German stated, "But we want you to be our ally."

The Italian behind him was busy playing with Pocchi, who was running away from the European.

Japan looked at his spiritual friend, who nodded enthusiastically and smiled wildly.

"Oh yes please Japan!!! I want to meet more countries and explore the world!" she jumped and pirouetted with her arms out.

The Asian country sighed and looked up at the European again.

"Would you like to come inside to discuss the terms of this... alliance?" he offered.

"Ja, I would like that." The blonde turned back to call Italy. "Italy, stop annoying that poor dog and come with us inside you dummkopf!"

With a bold and sudden calling

Western Revolution's starting

Let our hearts be open to it

Pacifist nation

"I'm sorry Germany-san, but why should I endanger my people to join this war you westerners started?"

He sighed, obviously a good ally would have good questions.

"If you join this war, your people will allow us to win, especially with your creative technology that may outclass Britain's own."

The Japanese thought quickly before answering.

"Ah, hai, but you see, unless I have something to gain from this alliance you want me to join, then you may as well forget about my country and its people." Japan retorted before standing up to reheat the water for tea.

"Ah but wait Japan!" Germany cried out... professionally. "If you join this war, we will give you some of the land and people we collect from the nations we enslave." he offered.

"I have no need for land or people who live short lives." he turned away.

Germany thought quick before blurting an offer he never knew would interest the man.

"We'll give you a country to enslave."

Now that got Japan and (y/n)'s attention.

Riding on a penny-farthing

It's the flag of our sun rising

Warding evil spirits

Like an ICBM

"Hey Japan, look! I can ride this circle thing!!" The (h/c) girl said as she 'rode' the penny-farthing (a bicycle from England which has one big wheel and a small one.

"How did you even get this Germany-san?" Japan asked his ally.

"Oh that, you have to thank Italy for spying on the Allies for us." Germany grunted as he looked over to the Italian currently taking a siesta (nap) on Japan's bench.

"Ah of course. Training correct?"

"Correct." The German shifted uncomfortably as he stared at Japan's monotonous brown eyes. "So when do you want the ICBM to arrive?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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