CHAPTER 9 : Revelations

Start from the beginning

"Now I'm at peace with the fact that you're aware of our son now, that at least you know that he exists and that I've done the right thing. But, it's up to you to decide whether you want to be a part of Billie's life, or not."

Holly slides a small piece of paper with her number across the table to Jack along with the two small photos, one of their young, smiling son and the other a photo taken nearly six year ago of the drunken two young adults in the middle of a club.

After sliding both her number and the photos across to him, Holly promptly grabs her handbag and walks off just as confidently as she had approached Jack earlier; as though she hasn't just turned his entire world upside down...


As Jack walks in the door of the Horsemen's hide out, he still feels just as shocked as he did when he had walked out of the coffee shop.

"So come on! Tell me, tell me! Who was it?! How'd you go? Are we rich?!"

Bounding up and down like a puppy dog in front of her husband excitably, Lula looks positive and upbeat. She gives him a kiss before draping herself all over him, so she's impossible for him to ignore. She has no idea in the slightest of what he has to tell her and how it will change their life forever. For all she knows, she's still holding onto hope that he may have won the lottery or been offered an out by police; something that will change their life for the better.

Little does Lula know that what he does have to tell her about who he met up with will change their life, but not in the ways that she had expected.

Seeing her naivety and her hope hurts him, worrying Jack that he will be the one hurting her with his news.

The entire time that Jack had been with Holly, hearing about Billie, he couldn't quite put his finger on why he feels the way he does. But, the second that he sees Lula emerge from their bedroom, everything suddenly becomes clearer.

Jack realises that he couldn't find and he couldn't feel any pride in the existence of his son and he couldn't feel excited by the fact that he has a ready-made-kid -although he's always wanted children- is because he feels guilty.

Despite any feelings to the contrary, Jack is stuck with the overriding sensation of guilt... guilt because he feels like he's cheated on Lula.

Even though the deed was done years ago; years before the Four Horsemen had formed and years before he'd even met Lula, Jack can't help this feeling and the sensation of feeling as though he'd cheated on Lula since the result of his past is only just becoming clear now.

She never signed up for this in the past... she never knew about it to be able to sign her consent. But, then again, neither did Jack. However, Lula hadn't signed up for a step-child, she hadn't signed up for Jack having a son and she hadn't signed up for the fact that this was all with another woman who has suddenly been pulled into their lives. Not only had Lula not signed up for it, but she has no say.

Regardless of the fact that Jack hadn't cheated and he hadn't done anything wrong, he just cannot shake his feeling of guilt for putting Lula in this situation.

She has no idea how much Jack and his past is going to change not just their life, but her life as well.

With a deep sigh of guilt, he takes her petite hands in his own, leading her into the bedroom that they share at their current hideout; leading her to their bed which they both take a seat on the side of.

"I love you Lula" he says firstly, wanting that to be perfectly clear before he drops the news on her. Gazing at her closely and intently, he can't help himself and he can't stop himself from touching her, from appreciating every little detail about his wife that he loves. He runs his fingers through her locks of hair that float around her face delicately; running his fingers through these loose strands and tucking them behind her ear.

"Jack? What's going on?" Lula asks softly.

She can read her husband like a book. She just knows that something is up with him which changes her own attitude as Lula's bubbly demeanour of just minutes ago quickly fades away, replaced with concern.

With another sigh, Jack takes Lula's petite hands in his from where they are sitting on their bed beside each other, with only centimetres of distance between them. He clutches her hands tightly, in an attempt to comfort himself as much as he's trying to support her.

Lula can feel her heartbeat beginning to pound from within her. She can feel her heart rate rapidly escalating with worry at what he's clearly finding so difficult to tell her. She's trying to read his eyes and she's trying to read his expression; searching for any clue that might help her to determine what she can feel is weighing on him so greatly.

"Lula, the person I went to meet was someone who I had met when I was travelling around the U.S., looking for easy money with my street magic performances. My memory's hazy, but apparently we hooked up almost six years ago."

Looking down at their intertwined and laced fingers, Lula's grasp on his hands releases a little before he's even finished speaking. She feels like she knows what's coming next and she flinches to prepare herself for the words.

"She's been looking for me since my fake death was outed and she wanted to meet up to tell me that she has a little boy... my son."

Thanks to everyone who read and commented on the last chapter! I really appreciate it.

Next chapter: Lula struggles in the wake of Jack's revelation. Also, Jack shares his news with the other boys.

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