CHAPTER 9 : Revelations

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CHAPTER NINE – Revelations


Jack Wilder heard what Holly Thompson has just told him perfectly clearly. Yet, this is the only word that comes from his mouth as he sits there, holding a photo of a five-year-old in complete shock. A photo of his five-year-old...

Looking over to Jack, Holly can tell that his 'pardon' is not asking for her to repeat the bombshell that she has just dropped on him. No, he heard that one loud and clear.

"Our son, Billie, he's just turned five. Originally, after I found out that I was pregnant, I was happy to raise him on my own. Especially given that you broke my trust and stole from me."

"I'm really sorry" Jack quickly adds, although his jaw is still dropping and his mind is still racing as he tries to make sense of this revelation.

As he places the photo that he had been clutching tightly onto the table, Jack runs his hands through his hand nervously, fighting his urge to pull out his deck of cards and start shuffling them at the table to ease his sudden unsteadiness. He could swear that the cafe is growing louder; he could swear that everyone and everything is moving in closer and closer towards him and he can only hope that he is just sitting through an extremely vivid nightmare.

"To be quite honest, after I made my decision and except from the day that Billie was born, I don't think I even thought of you again for a few years. That was until the Four Horsemen formed and you were thrust into the spotlight. I kept up with all the articles and all the news reports after pulling off that bank heist, then when you guys depleted that Englishman's bank account and when you were fleeing the police in a high-speed chase... When you 'died'..."

Jack nods knowingly, clear flashes and memories playing out in his mind as he vividly remembers all three events that she is describing from a little over three years ago.

"That day, I remember holding my breath, watching the high-speed chase live on TV. I remember watching it all unfold and I remember the guilt I felt watching when the car exploded without anybody escaping from it... That day, when I realised the mistake of my ways, I thought I was too late. When the world thought you were dead, I remember wishing that you had had a chance to know Billie or just at least the chance to know that he exists."

Well, he most certainly knows that he exists now.

Still trying to manage his complete shock, Jack's gaze once again returns to the photo of the child on the table. The little boy with dark blonde hair is laughing or giggling at whatever is happening at the same time as the photo being taken. It is only as Jack analyses the photo a little more deeply, does a sudden connection spring to his mind.

All of his life, Jack has been told how when he smiles, his smile isn't just on his lips, it radiates across his whole face and through his eyes. Suddenly, he knows what people mean by that as he looks down at the photo of the young child; seeing his happiness in the photo radiate across his entire face.

The connection brings a small smile to Jack's face as he looks at the photo, before being interrupted as Holly continues to speak and explain.

"You can't imagine how I felt on the day of that OCTA show when it was revealed that you'd faked your own death; that you were actually alive and well... It was too good to be true. It was the second chance that I never thought I'd have."

A small smile spreads across Holly's lips as though she's remembering the moment and the relief that she had felt a few years back when Walter Mabry had trapped the Horsemen and exposed the fact that Jack was alive and well after faking his own death on the Brooklyn Bridge a year before that.

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