Under Attack

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 Mr. Stoneheart stood outside the door of the meeting hall, looking furious. He had just figured out that the country of Russia is no longer supporting the ChSI. He was infuriated. He was so close to having all of Europe as a part of his regime. This was his last chance to tell the members of his regime that now is the time to go to war. He straightened up his bowtie, then proceeded to enter the room.

   Much like the debate hall, 20 years ago, this room was filled with adults. Their ages ranging from 21 to 91. They were arguing amongst themselves about what to do with Russia. The arguing was just making Stoneheart even angrier.

   “SILENCE!!!!!!” he yelled. The adults stopped arguing, and they looked at him. “Thank you. As I’m sure that you are all aware, the beloved country of Russia has decided that they will no longer be a part of my beloved regime. But, that does not matter now. I have all of you, with your limitless money and resources. It is time my friends, for us to go to war.”

   Looks of shock and confusion were on their faces. They were thinking that the idea was preposterous. Going to war because Russia is not a part of the regime? The very thought of it seemed insane, idiotic, even.

   “I am terribly sorry Mr. Stoneheart,” said one of the diplomats. “But the very idea of going to war with Russia seems preposterous.”

   “You are mistaken, my friend,” said Stoneheart. “We are not going to war with Russia, no. We are going to war with the entire rebellion. All of them. Now, most of you might consider me insane, for some of the rebel countries have an extremely powerful arsenal, but the weapon is only as good as the one who wields it. And they wield it like whiny, insignificant children.”

   Many of the diplomats stirred. The sound of the word “children” made most of them gag. One of the diplomats stood up and looked at Stoneheart.

   “Very well, Mr. Stoneheart. If it is your word, then we shall do it. We all, now declare war with the pathetic rebellion,” he said. Stoneheart smirked.

   “I knew I could count on all of you, my friends,” he said. “I can assure you that every last member of the pathetic rebellion will fall.”

. . . .

   Sean was in the base armory, looking over his weapons. 5 minutes ago, Ivan told him to go through the armory to select his weapon of choice. It certainly is not easy for Sean. He continued to look. While he was looking, Mark walked to him and sat beside him.

   “Is it really that hard to find a weapon that you like?” asked Mark.

   “Yes, yes it is,” said Sean. “There are a lot of weapons that I like, and even fewer that I can call my favorite. Hang on, a minute. Is that what I think it is?”

   Sean saw two weapons that caught his eye. One of them was a Five Seven pistol. The other was a blade that was known as the Murasama. The blade was long and very sharp. It’s silver coating sparkled in the bright light surrounding it.

   “The Murasama?” asked Mark.

   “Yes, yes it is,” said Sean. “It’s beautiful.”

   Sean grabbed the Five Seven pistol, then reached out and grabbed the Murasama. He then took it and swung it a few times to try to get the hang of it. He then put it in it’s sheathe.

   “I have my weapons, now it’s time for my gear,” said Sean. “Hey, Mark, have you found your weapons yet?”

   “I’ll just stick with my shadow dagger,” said Mark. “And every assault rifle in the armory.”

   Sean couldn’t help but laugh. But the happiness was short-lived, for not too long after that, an alarm had gone off throughout the entire headquarters. Ivan entered the armory minutes later.

   “We are under attack! Get to battle stations, quickly!!” he yelled. Sean nodded and ran straight to the entrance of the headquarters. He knew that whoever was coming would try to raid the base, and he knew for a fact that the base did not have a back door. He loaded his pistol, readied his sword, and waited. Mark and a few others joined him.

   After about 30 minutes, Sean’s suspicions were realized. An explosion destroyed the door and sent Sean and the others flying back.

   Sean heard multiple screams and gunfire all around him. All the voices that were trying to speak to him were echoed and disoriented. Mark ran to Sean and started yelling. Sean’s vision cleared as did his hearing.

   “Come on man! We gotta go, now!” he yelled. Sean got up and grabbed his sword and gun. He was still feeling a little light-headed. He followed Mark, until Mark was shot and fell to the ground.

   “MARK!!” Sean yelled. The soldier who shot Mark laughed.

   “Shadow-proof bullets,” said the soldier. “They work every time.”

   Sean snapped and used the Murasama to attack the soldier and, much to his and the soldier’s surprise, the gun split in half.

   “Holy moly, did I do that?” asked Sean. The soldier screamed and ran, only for Sean to jump over him, land in front of him, and cut the soldier in half. Sean spat at the corpse as the blood spilled from the body. “That was for shooting my friend.”

   Sean heard a yell emit from behind him. He turned around to see a soldier armed with a machete charging at him. Sean simply cut off the man’s arm, the blood pouring onto his face. The soldier yelled in pain, and Sean then decapitated the soldier, watching the body fall down and bleed as the head rolled away. Sean then was surrounded by a barrage of soldiers. Sean simply smirked and threw his sword, which went in a boomerang style formation. The sword sliced through the soldiers until it hit the last one and returned to Sean. The soldiers fell down, their parts twitching and the blood flooding the area surrounding them. Sean wasn’t done just yet.

   Ivan was busy fighting one of the strongmen of the soldiers, and losing. The soldier punched Ivan in the gut and kicked him onto the ground. Just as the soldier was about to deliver the killing blow, Sean’s sword went straight through the soldier’s chest. The soldier spat out blood. Sean then took the sword out of the soldier’s chest, and cut off the soldier’s left arm. The soldier’s screaming was replaced by a gurgling noise due to the blood that was in his mouth. Sean then proceeded to cut off the rest of the limbs, and watched as the pieces of the body fell to the ground, pouring out large amounts of blood.

   Many of the remaining soldiers were either captured or retreated. The aftermath of the battle was the base surrounded by bodies and flooded with blood. Sean looked around the environment surrounding him. His hair, clothes, body, and sword were all stained with blood. He immediately ran to Mark as soon as he saw him.

   “Mark! Buddy, are you alright?” he asked.

   “Well, I’m still breathing and the shadow proof bullets only stunned me and hurt a lot,” said Mark. “So I’m doing just fine. But look at you! You look like you just swam in a pool of blood!”

   “It’s nothing, Mark,” said Sean. “Come on, we’ll get you back in shape for the assault.

   “Wait a minute, what?” asked Mark. “Assault?! Have you lost your mind? We just got our butts kicked. We can’t take them on right now. Have you even considered planning a strategy, or something?”

   Sean sighed. Mark made a good point. He nodded and got up. He then lifted Mark up and walked him to the medical bay.

   “Of course, old friend,” said Sean. “We’ll wait for the others to recover, then we will plan our attack.”

   “That’s a wise decision, bud,” said Mark. “I have a feeling that we are going to need all the help that we can get.”

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