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Sean awoke in a strange room. It was a large room, surrounded by multiple white beds. Some of the beds had people inside of them. He looked next to him and found an IV attached to him, along with a heart monitor. The heart monitor was beeping steadily. Sean could hear playing the same rhythm as his heartbeat. Sean groaned.

   “Mark? Where are you?” asked Sean, as he looked around. A doctor heard him and immediately ran toward him.

   “My goodness. You’re really alive boy?” asked the doctor. Sean simply glared at him.

   “Let’s see, I’m looking around, I’m talking, breathing, and the normal human temperature,” said Sean.

   “You also have several broken bones, fractured ribs, multiple lacerations, not to mention that you’re actually, running a fever. What is your name, boy?” asked the doctor.

   “Sean. Sean Pureheart. My father is Felix Pureheart, and my grandfather is Patrick Lionsgate,” said Sean. At the sound of Patrick’s name, the doctor stepped back and ran out of the room. Sean was confused. He had no idea that he was inside the headquarters of the ChFE.

   Meanwhile, Mark was waking up in a familiar looking room. It was an office that Mark knew all too well. It was the room of Ivan Gregorovitch, the second in command of the ChFE. Mark looked around the room, when the door opened and Ivan himself, entered the room.

   “Ah, Mark. It’s been a long time old friend,” said Ivan. He was a tall, muscular Russian man who had a long beard and spoke in a thick Russian accent. He has long been a close friend to Mark, and Patrick, and would often play with Sean when he visited them years earlier.

   “Indeed it has, Gregorovitch, indeed it has,” said Mark. “Now, can you please tell me where Sean is?”

   “Sean is in the medical bay, and is making good recovery. I had a doctor run to me, who told me of his recovery. Now, then, let us chat. What brings you and Sean all the way here from Sallysville, old friend?” asked Ivan.

   “We were looking for you. Patrick told me to bring Sean here so he can receive his training and become the new leader of the Child Freedom Enforcers,” said Mark. Ivan nearly choked on his mead and started laughing.

   “Are you serious, old friend?” asked Ivan. “It is very rigorous training, and I do not believe that Sean can handle the training at this kind of age.”

   “He has survived getting constantly beat up. He has survived a plane crash. A plane crash. Not a lot of people have the kind of survival skills that Sean has. Trust me, Gregorovitch, he has the potential to be a great warrior, probably the best. You just have to trust him, and me,” said Mark. Ivan sighed, looked down for awhile, then looked back at Mark and nodded.

   “Very well, old friend,” said Ivan. “There have been very few moments where you have been wrong, and I am certain that this is certainly not one of those times. I will allow it. Sean will begin his training when he has fully recovered. In the meantime, let us visit him, shall we?”

   Mark got out of his chair and walked out of the room, Ivan following close behind. Meanwhile, in the medical bay, Sean was slowly getting up in a sitting position. He spotted Mark and Ivan entering the room.

   “Mark? Are you alright? And, Ivan? What are you doing here? Oh, a better question. Where am I?” asked Sean as he sat up straight.

   “Oh, yes of course, you must be confused my friend. Welcome to the U.S.S.Imagination, the headquarters of the Child Freedom enforcers,” said Ivan. A smile spread across Sean’s face.

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