Prologue: The Misunderstanding

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(This is an adoption story from Lewascan2 from over on Fanfiction . Net - I don't own Kill la Kill; the first few chapters are going to be from her story; the rest are my adaptations)
Ryuko's POV


That's all the world is to me these days. Sure I can hear, but the sounds are slightly dulled. I can still smell too, but it smells like a sewer wherever the heck I am. I don't even want to think about touch; it's not been kind to me for a long time...

To sum up what I perceive about my environment: it's cold as frozen crap, damp like a cave, stinks of filth and garbage, and every little sound echoes. Still can't seem to open my eyes, but I don't need to. And that I shall explain.

Where am I? Well, it's obviously some sort of prison made for only the most dangerous of creatures. Well, I guess I am a pretty dangerous creature. I wouldn't have bothered any of these fools before this whole misunderstanding, but now...


NOW given even half a chance, I would slaughter every one of them I could get my hands on! I'd rip them apart and consume all their blood; that's something I learned I can do through their inhumane experiments.

My name is Ryuko Matoi, and I am a Life Fiber Hybrid -likely one out of less than half a dozen if the way they treat me as some sort of unknown freak of nature is anything to go on.

I look very much human aside from the red streak in my black hair, so how would I know this? Well, that's just what they dubbed me, when my Life Fibers were forced to save me from interrogation wounds and healed them quite visibly. It honestly just made those nut-jobs freak out and made my situation worse. It was absolute hell after that.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? Why would they capture me in the first place? The reason would be that the first person to come to my father's aid on his death day just so happened to be a paranoid, prejudiced madman, who gunned me down with tranquilizers when he arrived to the sight of me retrieving the remaining half of my father's scissor blade from his body.

Of course, I hadn't done it, but they didn't believe me at all -especially after my Life Fibers awoke. I hadn't even known about that before then. It makes me wonder what else my father kept from me. I've actually wondered whether he really was my father -if I wasn't just some test tube experiment- with how old he looked. I try not to think about it.

Well the second my Life Fibers were revealed, everything changed for me. They began experimenting on me day in and out, doing inhumane, tortuous things. They didn't think I was human, after all, so they didn't really care.

No matter how I cried or begged, to them I was a spy, a freak, a monster. They were merciless. Sometimes, I wish I could have died, but I can't. My Life Fibers won't allow it. I can heal any wound and regrow any lost body part -even my head. I've heard them say that my cellular aging is slowing to a crawl; I might someday end up everlasting.

What I've managed to glean about the race I supposedly hail from is not encouraging. Apparently, they're aliens that consume entire planets by forcing the population to evolve sufficiently to be used as fuel. It's no wonder they hold on to such hate; I still can't help but despise them for my treatment with all of my being though.

If I ever get the chance, that Mohawk freak that got me captured is going to die -no questions asked. As it is, I will have to wait till they get overconfident and sloppy. With my eternal healing factor, I've got all the time in the world, after all.

Now then, you might wonder: If I'm so powerful and scary, how are they keeping me contained from killing them all?

Well, once they were finally satisfied that there was no part of me they hadn't studied, they paralyzed me with these needles that disable Life Fibers and brought me to a massive, underwater, well-like cave.

The interior of the Well -as they call it quite literally- is shaped like an upside-down bucket with slick, unclimbable walls. The only way down or up is to take a wooden elevator on a chain, that travels up to crisscrossing, stone bridges and towers, which lead to the lone exit -a pair of six-foot thick, wooden doors.

As if that wasn't enough, the place is guarded by an entire one hundred fighting personal, who all carry those damnable, Life Fiber restraining needles and guns to launch them from as well as whatever weapon each one happens to fancy. Those weapons also are designed to inflict damage to Life Fibers.

Whatever they are, the maniacs that run this organization -called Nudist Beach (of all things) I discovered by chance- are nothing if not careful to the point of raging paranoia. All this, of course, doesn't even take into account my personal restraints down at the bottom of the Well.

At the bottom of the Well, I am set on my knees bare -but for what amount to rags- in the center of a completely-empty, stone area, fitted with an elaborate, black, circular harness on my back that holds larger versions of those damn needles pressed into my back and spine. Several are even set into pressure points, making the slightest motion to escape blindingly painful -not that I can really move with those needles in there in the first place. The harness also has some sort of lock -the only way to make it eject the needles, which I bet they threw away the key for.

Even more insane, they have my arms in thick, heavy shackles with chains that are hooked to massive, two-ton weights at both sides of my body and far from where I could ever hope to reach and tamper with them. And with my Life Fibers disabled to the point of only barely being able to heal me, it feels like my arms are being torn apart twenty-four seven. It's gotten better over the months I know I've been down here; my arms have been forcibly building incredibly strong muscles. If I wasn't paralyzed, I could probably beat the weights and free myself.

Even if by some miracle I overcome the needles and get to working on the weights, they have guards manning four giant crossbows on a circular wall around me. Those monstrosities fire massive bolts that can spear me to the ground and disable Life Fibers -like every other damnable weapon in this place.

To top it all off, there are daily checks on every piece of equipment and especially my harness and restraints, leaving absolutely nothing to chance.

My situation truly does seem hopeless with all these odds against me, but I have learned utmost patience in my time here. They can't paralyze every part of my body. Or rather, they forgot my head and the stripe of active, red Life Fibers in my hair.

These lone, free fibers are my hope, and with days of nothing to do but meditate with my eyes closed I have learned to manipulate the Life Fibers in my body. In some ways, it's great the paralysis keeps my eyes closed, since I read somewhere the sense of sight takes up an entire one or two thirds of a person's brain's perception capacity. Having them kept closed has forced my other senses to mature significantly and made it far easier to feel out the works of my body.

Now, I can grow, shrink, and solidify to some degree my threads. I've had to be very careful and have had more than a few close calls, but soon -very soon- I'll be ready to make my escape from this hell hole and get my much-deserved vengeance.

Then I'm going to take back my Scissor Blade and hunt down the one who killed my dad!
(Hope you guys will review and give critiques)

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