The beginning of the article

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Getting home, I turned the radio on for background noise as I started to clean the house up for Cheryl. My cat every so often would meow or move from one sunny spot on the floor to another. Other than that, the house was still. Except for me, I was up and everywhere dusting, vacuuming, sweeping until almost 3 pm. I had changed clothes to something more casual and threw a frozen lasagna in the oven for the both of us. At around 3:30, Cheryl's red car pulled in the driveway. She was carrying so many bags and boxes all at once. I opened the door and laughed at her, helping her set them down.
"Is this your computer and stuff?" I asked overwhelmed.
"Yes! I brought the printer and everything today." I laughed and took her purse and jacket setting them in the other room. She was already helping herself to a cold drink from the fridge.
"So, I talked to Daniel last night-" Daniel was our boss. The big boss.
"He said that we both could get a promotion if this entry is as good as I made it sound."
"That would be extremely helpful." I said, opening up my laptop to start typing.
"I still have to finish the written part, but it shouldn't take much longer. Go ahead and look through it if you want." I pointed to my journal sitting in the rocking chair. I opened up a document and started changing the font and layout.
"This is really good so far. But What's this?" I looked over to see a silver necklace hanging from her fingers.
"Where did you find that?"
"It was sitting in the journal pages. Cute bookmark anyway." She said, setting it beside her. Maybe I had moved it but forgot?

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