Exhibition Through Reincarnation Pt.2

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Saturday, January 3rd, 1953. Time- Unknown.

Everything was dark. My conscious was well aware of where my limbs were, and what I was feeling, but all I had to know was: Where am I and what happened?

The darkness lasted for a few more seconds before I tried to work my muscles in my body. The first thing I attempted was to move any muscles on my face. So, I tried. I mentally yelled at myself to move my lips, which I easily did.

Okay, I can move my facial muscles-- Now, it's time to open my eyes. 

 Without any hesitation, my eyes fluttered open and the first thing I noticed was the color that surrounded me. The color wasn't even really a color, it was just white. I didn't know if it was a room, or an "outside" world, but it was just white. I guess you could've said it was like a room but not. There were no chairs, no pictures, no windows, no doors, it was simply white.

My ears perked up to the sound of shoes tapping against tile floor, or something similar to a clock ticking. But, when I looked around, there wasn't a person or thing in sight, but the clicking continued, slowly driving me insane.

I ran my fingers through my red locks, a habit of mine that usually means that I'm confused or frustrated. It was a small gesture, but to me, it meant a lot because I was the only person in this snow-colored universe.

My hair was dry, and so was my dress. I hadn't felt a single drop of water on me, which was weird, because I just jumped in a river. "Where am I?" I asked no one in particular. "What happened?" My voice rose, cracking ever so slightly in panic.

"You died," A deep voice broke my trance.

I snap my head towards the sound and, before me stood a young man. His hands shoved in his suits pockets, a nice bow connected to his neck and a small smile appeared on his lips. He had more feminine features than a masculine feature but nevertheless still attractive.

He looked similar to a therapist, or a young assistant librarian. Maybe even a grammar teacher. The glasses planted on his nose were thick, and square, almost as if he (or she) was going for the "sophisticated" look.

My eyes widen, recalling the memory. "My friends.. Th- they were cheering me on to jump in the water.. But, but.. but-- I don't know why I jumped because I don't know how to swim."

"Yup," the man grinned, shrugging his shoulders in a matter of fact way. Small dimples appeared on his rosy cheeks as a strand of gelled hair fell over one of his gray eyes. He swiftly pulled it back, as if it was a habit of his.

"I died?" I asked, causing mixed emotions to rise within me. My hand reached to my face, trying to feel my structure out because I still couldn't believe I died.

I'm use to the idea of death being something that just happened. You'd end up becoming a ghost and walk through walls, or you'd just be dead. You wouldn't have feelings, or a personality, your brain wouldn't function at all, and you'd just be laying in a coffin under the dirt.

"Yup," the man paused, "But don't fell bad, everyone dies."

How could he say that? I mean, yeah-- Sure, everyone dies, but-- I died! The thought about people dying is mutual, but when you actually experience it-- It's a whole new story! He doesn't have to be so plain and dry while saying "Everyone dies". It sounds like he's said that multiple times before.

I'm dead for God's sake!

Maybe he had gone through some other people who died, and me dying, was just another death to him. Had he already known I was going to die? Had he wanted to me to die? Is he the Reaper?

I looked around again, wondering how I could've possibly got here. "What is this place? Is this the after life?" I walked around, desperately trying to feel for a wall, or see a window, or touch a painting, but there was nothing. Nothing but white.

"More or less," the man said, scratching his chin.

I hesitated, looking over at the man before me. I tried to restrain myself from asking, because if he wasn't who I thought he was, I would have offended a lot of religions.

"Are you God?"

"Yup," The man replied in a blunt tone. I was too shocked to question him, I mean, if he really was the God that I've heard about, it would be rude to question his authority. But, what if he wasn't, would the real God damn me to Hell somehow? Is this a test?

Then, the thought of the man being God washed from my mind, when I realized something more important than life its self.

"My boyfriend, my mom, my friends---" I said, tears sprinkling the corners of my eyes.

"What about them?" The man asked, cocking a perfectly groomed brow.

"Will they be alright?" I asked, surprised how clueless this 'so-called- God' figure doesn't seem to think about me and my feelings.

What about them? What do you think 'what about them?' They are family, I love them!

"Ah," The man nodded as he pointed a finger at me. "That's what I like to see. You're dead, and your main concern is your family and friends," The man began to chuckle. "That's some good stuff right there."

I didn't reply.

"Don't worry," the male stated bluntly, "They'll be fine. Your mother will always remember everything about you. Even your flaws, she'll miss 'em," the man paused before speaking in a easy going tone, almost as if he was joking. "Your best friend, Grace, will cry on the outside but will secretly use those emotions to date your boyfriend. If you haven't caught onto it, she hates you with a burning passion I don't think I can even explain."

Again, I didn't reply.

"And," The man shrugged, "your boyfriend will cry too, but be secretly relieved he doesn't have to tell you his secret."

"What secret?" I asked, my heart dropping in the process.

"He's been cheating on you.  To be fair, your relationship was falling apart and, if it's any consolation, he will regret cheating on you and not being able to 'treat' you better." The man replied, grabbing my shoulder before asking to walk with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked, chocking back some of my tears.

"No where, I just like to walk." The man continued after waiting for a chuckle from me-- he didn't receive one. "You must have questions, young one."

"I do," I reply, "Where am I going after death? Is there a Heaven, Hell, or something?"

The male laughed, "non sense, you'll be reincarnated."

"So, the Hindus were right?" I asked.

"All the religions were right in there own ways."

I took a deep breath through my nostrils, the fragrance of chocolate and mint soothed into my senses. Who knew that the afterlife smelt so good?

Here I was walking with God, I just couldn't believe it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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