Lord of Time

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Time Village M side

Ace was the Lord of Time

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Ace was the Lord of Time. If you were to ask anyone in time village, they would tell you that he was the last person they thought would be Lord of Time. He was a prankster. When he realized that could freeze time longer than anyone else, he used it to his advantage. He was constantly moving people and objects around just to mess with them. Once, him and his friends played catch. He froze time and lowered one of his friend's hand so he couldn't catch the ball. When time resumed his friend got hit in the face by the ball. Ace laughed so hard he fell to the ground. But Time people were practically monks, so the elders told him that he needed to learn how to control himself and to be kind to all. He would always roll his eyes and would use the excuse that he had to use his abilities somehow and not just sit around meditating, which was something he was never good at. Shortly after becoming Lord of Time, he learned that his powers were not given to him to pull pranks, but save and protect people. That was when his attitude changed. 

Walking through his village brought back old memories. He saw a class of kids learning how to put together a pocket watch. You had to understand how time worked if you wanted to control it. He looked at every person that past by him feeling for his successor's presences. He felt nothing. He repeated this process all throughout the village but still nothing. Flustered, Ace went to the pool of serenity. It was a place that people could go to meditate. It was quiet and peaceful. A perfect place to relax and relieve stress.

There was some other people there all doing their own thing. Ace looked for a spot that was more out of the way from everyone else. He sat down right besides the pool that glowed with a brilliant blue color which made it even more beautiful at night. He looked at his refection in the water, zoning out and losing himself in deep thought and relaxation techniques. Finally the tension dissipated putting him in a better mood. 

"Long day, Legend?" He heard someone ask. Ace chuckled.

"You have no idea" he said looking at the man next to him.

"What are doing here in the village?" The man asked, "it's rare to see you here".

"I've been looking for my successor" Ace sighed, "I've searched the entire village and I still haven't found them"

"Have you tried near the river?". Ace looked at him puzzled.

"The river?"

"There is a friend of mine who has a son that goes to the river to practice his martial arts in private." He explained.

"What's his name?"

"Tao". Ace nodded to himself.

"I'll check the river. Thank you".

Ace found his way down to the river at the border line of the village's territory. It's water also glowed a brilliant blue. There he saw a young man sitting, meditating with a sheathed sword next to him.

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