Lord of Wind

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Wind Village K side

Breeze was a child of wind village

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Breeze was a child of wind village. When he was told he was to be the Lord of Wind, he thought they made a mistake. He wasn't very good at using his power, and wind was a simple power that even children could master. Most wind people can create a small dust storm by the age of 8 or 9. He didn't master it until he was 12. His abilities were a bit behind all the other children. But when he mastered an ability, he really mastered it. To the point where he could do it better than anyone else. He was just slow when it came to learning. Amazingly though, he quickly mastered his power shortly after becoming Lord of Wind. He was hoping that his successor could relate to him some how.

He smiled seeing the children making a mini dust storm. Some pretended that their power was so strong that they could knock their friends over or blow them away making him chuckle. The parents watched as Breeze walked slowly by.

"That's Breeze!" He heard one say. They were trying to be quiet but he could still hear them. He might have been old, but his hearing was still surprisingly good.

"You mean the Lord of Wind? The Lord of Wind?" 

"What's he doing here in the village?". He smiled, remembering that today was a special day and that's why he was here. After searching for a while with no success, his leg started to hurt him. So he found a bench and sat down watching the people. He felt a small tug on his cloak and looked at the source. A small child handed him one of the gingies (type of cookie on EXO) her mother just gave her. The mother giggled at her child's kindness.

"Well thank you young lady" he thanked.

"What are you doing?" The small voice asked.

"Oh I'm just looking for a friend of mine" he explained. He figured it would be too much for her to understand if tried to explain everything. She was probably only 6 years old.

"Can I help you find your friend?" She asked. He smiled and laughed.

"Of course you can. Watch the people and let me know if you see my friend"  he instructed. She climbed onto the bench and sat next to him munching on her gingie. They both sat there looking.

"How about that guy?" she asked pointing to a man. Breeze looked, trying to feel the presence of his successor. But it wasn't there.

"No" he said with a soft voice shaking his head, "that's not them"

"What about him?" she pointed to another man. Again he shook his head.

"No. I'm afraid that's not them either". This happened for quite awhile. He was getting worried. Where could they be? he asked himself. The little girl looked at him.

"What does your friend even look like?" she asked. He tried to think of an answer when suddenly an alarm rang through out the village. Breeze knew that alarm all too well. Tornado.

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