Exhibition Through Reincarnation Pt.1

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Saturday, January 3rd, 1953. 10:26 am.

The last memory I recall, before my death, was my foot reaching out to touch cool water. The clear substance beckoned me, fluttering beautifully in the sunlight. Little ripples of waves mesmerized me, dancing gracefully in my view. My bare toes hardly touched the water, before I pulled back with a harsh gasp.

The cool air pinched at my skin, reddening it out even more than it should've been. The fragrance of pine, damp bark, and dash of bubble gum perfume, from my friends behind me, filled my nostrils and almost forced me to smile. It was a nice smell, before my death.

I vaguely remember the distant cries of my friends, begging me to jump off of the log that separated me from the river. In my peripheral vison, I could see my friend Grace scream excitedly, her purple dress damp and dripping from the river, which she jumped in before. A familiar yellow and green skirt, from one of my close friends Tiffany and Jamie, also blew gracefully through the wind. They were my friends, my best friends.

The one that caught my eye was my boyfriend; his crystal blue eyes lit with excitement and joy as his soft, fair features were plastered with the cutest smile. His chocolate brown hair was damp from the river too. Little strands of hair fell over his beautiful eyes, and stuck to his perfect square jaw. He screamed my name, and screamed it so loudly and soothingly, shivers ran down my spine, and it wasn't from the wind.

"I'll love you forever, Melanie!" His deep voice echoed through my ears, similar to soft bells in a tower. My heart lurched, my skin shivered. It only took me seconds to realize what he said, and that's all it took. Those 5 words made me jump. Jump into the vast depths of the water, which I never learned to swim in.

Before I knew it, it only took me seconds before the liquid enveloped me in darkness, my eyes hardly open, desperatly seizing to reach the surface already. But I noticed, the water was silent. The sounds were only the muffled cheers from my friends and the waves of the river brushing against my ears.

The water was like another place -- another universe. The only silence I could ever get in a talkative world. So I didn't beg to see the surface and gain oxygen just yet.

I waited, listening mutley to the bubbles bursting in the water and the river crashing against the small pebbles in it. My legs turned numb as the clear substance bit at my exposed body parts. My red hair reached out and brushed against my cheeks, caressing my face.

My legs reached the bottom of the river, pebbles poking at the tips of my toes and playing around with them. It was comfortable, I was at content. But, realization washed over me as I remembered I couldn't swim, so I thrashed around. Fear absorbing me like a child absorbing ice cream cones. Quick and fast.

My arms waved around frantically under the water, desperately trying to grab a hold of something, but the liquid seemed to be as swift as a leaf in the wind, and seep right through the cracks of my fingers.

My chest burned in agony as I tried to hold back the darkness that seem to want to absorb me. Panic and fear arose in my body, hardening all my limbs like ice.  

The only thought that came to my mind, before darkness took over me was: I wish I learned how to swim.

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