Rage :Chapter 21

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They rushed him straight back. Nurses ran around, shouting for the police to be called while Hayden explained what had happened. I on the other hand, sat in a chair, my eyes set on the floor. Noah was gone.

Is this what he had felt when he had lost Riley? Is this how he had been? Guilt was flooding through me. I could have saved him. I could have done.....something. Beside me, Hayden took a seat, her hand touching mine lightly.

"I'm so sorry, Vex." She whispered. I moved her hand off mine, shaking my head.

"I don't want your pity. I want Noah." I said coldly. "I want the secrets to end and I want this son of a bitch dead." I stood from my seat, not bothering to look back at Hayden as I fled from the hospital. I needed to go back. There had to be something I missed, some message he wanted me to get. Slipping into the rental, I backed out of the parking lot.



The ring hurt his ears as he made his way over to the phone lying on the floor of the bowling alley, the lights continue to flicker as the energy was drained from the generator.

You have reached the voicemail box of Vex Wilson, please leave a message. The robotic voice said. There was a light beeping before a frantic voice spoke hurriedly.

"Vex, it's Audrey. We got Noah. We're taking him to the hospital now. If you get this, meet us there. He's going to need you. Zoey's gone." The message ended and the man shook his head, letting out a light growl. Today had not gone the way it was supposed to. Vex was never supposed to make it out with both Wes and Hayden. Noah and Zoey were both supposed to die. But one final plan could go, one last ditch effort to make Vex see who she really was. Reaching down, he swiped the phone from the floor and made his way out of the alley.



I felt out of control. The same rage I felt when I had attacked Hayley. It was the kind that gripped you tight and refused to let go. It was good that I had left Hayden behind, if she had come, who knows what would have happened.

Everything around me seemed to make me angrier, to drive the rage even farther. Whatever I was going to find at the alley, it was going to make or break me. From within my pocket, Wes's phone began to vibrate. Without thinking, I pulled it from my pocket, rolling the window down and throwing it out. A scream erupted from the back of my throat as I pounded my fist against the wheel.

"Not now you son of bitch! Haven't you done enough!" I screamed. "Haven't you done enough!" I eased off the gas, allowing the car to roll onto the side of the road as I felt hot tears prick the corners of my eyes. Before the car was even in park, I was sobbing as I felt the full weight of Noah's death rest upon my chest.



"Is he going to be alright?" Audrey asked, her eyes wild as she watched them rush Noah away.

"Considering he's still awake after the amount of blood he lost and, the lack of oxygen he experienced in that coffin, I believe he will be fine. We just need to make sure he gets a blood transfusion and a good night's sleep. You're all welcome to stay until he's ready for visitors." The nurse explained.

"Audrey?" I looked up to see Hayden sprinting over with a coke in her hand.

"Oh my god, you guys are alright." She exclaimed. "We thought the worst." She said, staring at Audrey.

"Where's Vex?" I asked, stepping beside Audrey.

"Yeah, we want her to be here when Noah wakes up. We tried calling her but-" Hayden's eyes widened in amazement, her coke nearly slipping from her hand.

"Noah's alive?" Surprise flittered across her face. "But, he said-" She shook her head in disbelief before looking past both of us at the doors. "Oh my god." I starred at her, confusion sweeping through me.

"Oh my god, what? What's wrong? Where's Vex?" I asked. A tear slipped down Hayden's cheek.

"She left me here with Wes. She went out, I think to try and find something she missed. She looked ready to kill." Hayden explained. Audrey turned to me, concern in her eyes.

"We have to find her. He's out there and I'm sure he's pissed that we found Noah." I shook my head, placing a hand on Audrey's shoulder. 

"No, you need to stay here. I'll go find her, you stay. Noah is going to need someone he trusts by his side when he wakes up, someone to explain why Vex isn't there. I'll call you when I find her." I said. Audrey sighed.

"Emma, I really-" I shook my head. 

"Stay. I'll be fine. Check on them both." Before she could argue any farther, I headed out of the hospital doors, pulling out my phone and dialing her number. After waiting a bit, it went straight to voicemail. In a ditch effort, as I slide into the car, I dialed Wes's number, but to no avail. It rang for a few seconds, only to cut off abruptly. So that wasn't an option. 

One last time, I dialed her contact, holding the phone up to my ear as I hurriedly backed from the lot and headed out, not a single idea of where I was going. 

"Come on Vex, pick up the-" I was cut off by the phone picking up. 

"Hello Emma." My breath hitched inside my throat. 

"Where's Vex." On the other end, his chuckle rang through the line. 

"Care for a little bowling?" He asked, then the line went dead. Pressing the gas, I quickly pulled up Audrey's info. 

"She's at the bowling alley. Call the police." I said. 

"Wait, Emma, why can't you? You aren't going after her, are you?" Audrey asked.

"Of course. I can't leave her, she deserves better than that." My words hung in the air as I hung up the phone. I couldn't leave Vex, not when she would never dream of leaving me. 


As I pulled into the alley lot, I peered up at the building, fighting away the rush of memories. This place was never good and, being here, couldn't be the best option. Getting out of the car, I shut the door carefully, trying not to draw to much attention. If I could have the element of surprise, maybe I could get the upper hand. 

As I headed towards the front door, I saw the chain that Jake had popped off the first time we had come here, searching for Will. Everything had gone to shit after that day, everything had fallen apart. Now, here I was again and, I couldn't think of the reason why. It had to be something connected to Vex.

Pulling on the door, I wasn't surprised that it gave, allowing me to peer into the alley. The air still smelt off dust and, the lights flickered uncontrollably. Making my way in, I shut the door behind me, looking around. The lights would go out soon which, meant I had to be quick. Find Vex. Find Vex.

I continued to repeat that to myself until I saw something move in the back. I wasn't alone. Taking a deep breath, I looked around for any type of weapon, my eyes finally landing on a rusty crowbar. Picking it up, I quietly creeped towards the back, keeping my eyes on the moving shadow. 

Without warning, the lights flickered off and my footsteps paused. I tried to keep my breathing even, waiting for them to come back on. When they finally did, I sighed a breath of relief, feeling myself relax just a little more before I continued forward. Just as I was at the door, my arms raising the crowbar higher, my foot hit a fallen shelf, causing a loud clank to echo around the room. 

Without warning, from the room, a dark figure sprang around and a white hot pain spread through my side. Falling the ground, I felt the warm, wet sensation of blood as I held my side. Looking up, I saw Vex standing above me, her eyes wild and her mouth curled into a sneer. 

The lights went out again. 


Q/A coming up! 

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