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It's been 2 years since I left California and tomorrow is the day I finally get to go back home, it has been hella fun here with everyone and I'm going to miss it but I can't wait to go home and show everyone who I've become, I've become a strong,fierce, young woman and I'm so damn proud of myself for conquering my fear and dream and I can't wait 
"LAURA"I hear someone call out my name snapping me out of my thoughts, I turn around to see Cody running up to me
"What's up?" I say when he catches up and is beside me
"The sky" I roll my eyes playfully at him an laugh it off
"No but for real I have exciting news!"He says jumping up and down like a little kid
"How are you a soldier??? And what is it?" I say
"Because I'm awesome and I found out that my parents moved......so guess who's moving to Cali with you!!!!!" he says and I gasp and jump in his arms excited
"YESSSSSSS!!!! And no your not but YAYYYYY,you're coming to my school though, right?"I say still in his arms, What?? he's comfy
"Ofc I am and yeah I can't miss your big humiliation, I just can't miss their reactions" He says laughing and I join in
"It's going to be amazing!!!, I can't wait" I say smirking😏
"COME ON LOVE BIRDS IT'S TIME TO GO BACK TO THE CABIN" We hear Olivia yell and we laugh it off and run back to the cabin to meet up with the rest,to prepare our luggage to go home tomorrow.

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