Till Death Do Us Part

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I was walking to your house that day. It was raining then you called me asking where I was. I told you I was taking shelter from the rain at a bus stop not far from your place.

You told me you'd pick me up with your car and told me to hang in there and said you'll see me soon.
I waited and waited for what seemed like forever. I was getting frustrated when you didn't show up. I had a feeling you were caught up with your video games again and forgot about me like you've done before.

The rain died down a bit so I made the effort to walk to your house.

On the way, I saw what looked like a car crash. A car had collided into a traffic light and concerned citizens are surrounding the crash site. The car looked familiar. When they pulled out the body from the wreckage at that moment I saw you.

Bloodied and broken. In the distance I can hear the sirens of the ambulance telling the other vehicles to make way. I rushed over to you and held you in my arms. The paramedics took out a stretcher, loaded you into the ambulance and I rode with you in the ambulance to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital, you were rushed into the operation theatre. A few hours passed, I was relieved to find you that you had survived. They placed you in a room where you were the only patient.

I sat next to the bed all while holding your hand waiting for you to wake up. A few hours later, I saw your eyes opening for the first time since the incident.

Then at that moment a doctor came into the room while doing his rounds. The doctor explained to you what had happened.

The doctor said, " You are one lucky man. Your condition is stable now but we're very sorry for the girl that was with you in the car. When our paramedics reached the scene she didn't have a pulse anymore."

Suddenly the whole incident came flashing back in my mind. You came on time and picked me up from the bus stop. We were driving back to your house when suddenly a cat ran into the street and you were trying to avoid it then the car skidded then it crashed into the traffic light and when I blink.

I was at the bus stop again, like nothing happened. Only now I knew my fate. I stuck around longer to see you put up a fight for your life which you won and I'm at peace now.

The tears streaming down your face when you heard the news I tried my best to wipe them off with my translucent hand.

It pains me to leave you but it must be done. I gave you one final peck on the cheek and said my final 'I love you.' and with that I walked into the light.

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