Why Don't You Love Yourself?

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"To love oneself is beginning of a lifelong romance" - Oscar Wilde

If I ask you to, cross your heart, look me in the eyes, and tell him whether you really love yourself or not, what would your answer be? 

Will you look deep into my eyes, smile and say 'Of course, I do' or will you look away, fall silent, and say quietly 'Sometimes'? 

Now, imagine a warm hug on a cold night, comforting words after a long day, funny jokes that change tears to smiles, and a simple promise of never leaving your side. It sounds like true love, doesn't it?

How great would it be to find a love like this! But, where can we find someone who loves us when we are unlovable, who picks us up when we fall down, who carries us when our feet give-up?  We all deserve someone like this, and we all can find someone like this. All we need to do is wear our favorite dress, put a smile on, and walk to the nearest mirror.

Yes, the greatest love is in 'Loving Yourself'! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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