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Picture - Thor's new look for Ragnarok ^^ What are your opinions on it??

All Would You Rather's will be based on MCU movies... Sorry I haven't updated this book in a while 😕💕

1 ~ Would You Rather:

Watch Civil War will the Team Cap actors


Watch it with the Team Iron Man actors??

2 ~ Would You Rather:

Get a Bucky Barnes solo movie


Get a Black Widow solo movie??

3 ~ Would You Rather:

Have Marvel Studios remake the X-Men franchise


Have Marvel remake the Incredible Hulk??

4 ~ Would You Rather:

Watch Thor: The Dark World on repeat for 24 hours


Watch Avengers Assemble on repeat for 48 hours??

5 ~ Would You Rather:

Go to the premiere of Thor: Ragnarok and have a front row seat next to Chris Hemsworth


Go to the premiere of Spider-Man: Homecoming and have a front row seat next to Tom Holland??

Bonus Question:
If there was one movie that you could watch erase from the MCU forever, which film would it be???

Please comment your choices!! Thank you for reading :D

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