Actors - 1

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Featuring a surprisingly accurate meme ^^

All based on the main marvel actors (there will probably be a few of these)

1 ~ Would You Rather:

Have a romantic dinner with Chris Evans


Chris Hemsworth?

2 ~ Would You Rather:

Go on a shopping trip with Elizabeth Olsen


Scarlett Johansson?

3 ~ Would You Rather:

Slow dance with Jeremy Renner


Tango with Robert Downey Jr?

4~ Would You Rather:

Go out partying with Anthony Mackie


Go to the premier of Captain America: Civil War as Sebastian Stan's significant other 😏 ?

5 ~ Would You Rather:

Be invited for lunch at Robert Downey Jr's trailer


Go for a coffee with Mark Ruffalo?

Bonus: Who do you think is the funniest cast member?

Please comment and vote!! I might do a favourite quotes section as the next chapter...

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