Scroll 6: Pervert and Her Conviction

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"I am not sure, Miss Thais. However, I think it will be a good idea to tell this to Sinbad." He told her in glee. She asked him to go ahead while she continues to explore the area. When the coast was clear, she equipped and used Ronove's weapon equip to scale the walls. She did not need to use full body equip since it will be a waste of magoi.

Mystras rushed back to the camp and woke up the two. They were surprised to see the Sasan prince with meat in his hands. Sinbad asked him where he found the meat. Mystras simply told him that it was Thais who found them. Instead of thinking of it as a way to get out, Sinbad and Ja'far were overjoyed with new food to it. The two roasted the meat and noticed the gems but Sinbad was not even interested with the gem or even Thais' condition.

'What the hell? They didn't even ask for Miss Thais nor was that precious stone important to them. No, they are far from saving.' Mystras thought in despair but Sinbad proved him otherwise. He told him that it was thanks to the three of them that they were now in a game changing situation. Sinbad kindly asked him to show them the way. He did and when they reached the area, they were surprised with all the meats.

"Unbelievable, right?" They turned around to see Thais scaling down the wall. Sinbad rushed to her and asked why she was scaling wall. She told him that there was something that she had to get and was kind of scouting. She laughed nervously when the naked man gave her the look.

"No need to worry. Anyways, I see that Mystras has led you here."

"Yeah. And—These meats are amazing! They are all fined! Gather them all!" Thais froze on her spot. Sinbad and Ja'far collected as much meat as they could. Mystras scolded the two of them for being ignorant but Sinbad defended his side.

"I'm very curious about this meat too but we must gather them all! Balalarq meat!" He struck a pose. Thais gained an irk mark and wacked their heads.

"You must be kidding me! Get your head out of the food, you dumbass!" She seethed in anger while the three shivered in fear. The purple haired stripper tried to approach her but she growled at him. Ja'far calmed her down and she realized her actions.

"That was rash of me. All right, for now—" She was cut off by a huge gust from Artemyrian birds. They all gasped in surprise as each meats were grabbed away from them until none was left. Mytras cried but Sinbad assured him.

The next night, Thais watched her companions gather meat. Mystras slowly lost his faith on Sinbad but Ja'far assured him that his master will help them get out of the valley. Thais was about to believe him until they saw Sinbad get flustered on the fined meats around them. Just then, humungous meats fell down from the sky.

"They're even bigger than before!" Ja'far exclaimed.

"I've been waiting for this. They're the carriers of our destiny!" Sinbad grinned.

Men from Artemyra gathered the jewels from the meat. They were overjoyed with the good harvest until it wiggled. They gasped in fear when they saw Sinbad and the others emerge from the inside.

"Hey!" The Artemyrian women screamed and ran from the scene. Sinbad jumped down from the meat and helped Thais out. Since they only had seen three humongous meats, Thais had to jump in with somebody. She had no choice but to get in with Sinbad. The three asked the men for clothes and they were given some spare.

"That was the weirdest experience of my life." Thais murmured.

"What's this about?" Mystras asked. Ja'far explained everything to him. Since it was partially their fault for eating the meats from down below, the men had to send humongous ones which will not be devoured easily. With that, the Artemyrian birds will have the chance to gather the food.

Magi: Lost in TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin