Chapter 8

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Ch 8

           Their mother was suffering, Serena could see that Alison can't protect them anymore. On her death bed Serena's mother held her arms and said: “Serena remember protect Alison at any cause.” After her last words she died holding a white rose symbolizing the sister's innocence. Days later, they became a vampire a villager found out that the killings was not animal attacks it was vampire attacks as the villagers lured Alison and Serena out. That night the villagers try to burn them, Serena watched as her sister looked at their father, he was yelling with the others: “Burn the monsters!” Serena could see the innocence Alison had was gone now replaced with pure anger and hurt.

             Serena watched Alison struggle as she finally woke up, Serena smiled and said: “Hey sister.” Alison quickly got up and slam Serena to the wall said: “Why didn't you tell me Vincent was back.” Serena was confused Vincent was suppose to be gone, Serena looked at her: “Vincent did this to you?” Alison nodded as Amber walked in, Amber smiled and hugged Alison said: “Ali! I was soo scared you were going to be dead!” Alison smiled and hugged her best friend, Alison smiled and said: “I love you Amber, you're the best.” Serena coughed and said: “Okay are you girls done with the sweetness I don't think I need to add anymore sugar on my coffee, so sister where is this Vincent?” Alison said; “What are you going to do kill him?” Serena licked her lips and said: “Of course.”

          Vincent was running into the woods, as he bumped into someone. Vincent looked up to the tall man and said: “Who are you?” Ethan looked at him and said; “Vincente you forgot about me.” Vincent looked up his eyes in horror as he said: “Ethan.” Ethan smiled and said: “Go get your stepfather we have some killing to discuss.”

         Amber and Alison drove the car to school as Alison looked at her watch said: “Oh damn I'm late see you!” Alison kissed Amber gently on the cheek and ran off, as she walked to class someone bumped into her and dropped her books. When she bent down to pick it up someone beat her to it, the other person quickly gather the books and gave it to her. She stood up to get a good look at the person, he was tall and handsome with a charming smile. She smiled said: “Thank you.” The man looked at her and said: “You welcome I'm Thayer.” She smiled and said: “I'm Amber.” Amber looked at him as she suddenly trip on something and almost fell thank god Thayer caught her in time or else she would have fell on the floor flat on her face what a embrassing mood for the hottie. When he caught her she felt something unusual, he wasn't normal his touch was soft very soft in a unusual way. She looked as Thayer walked away someone bumped into him but it was like he was invisible, then as the light shone through the windows he was visible transparent, Thayer was a ghost....

Fire and Bloodحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن