Chapter 7

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Ch 7

        Amber was drinking her soda when she looked at her watch she didn't see Alison or Vincent coming back. She then saw her classmate Julia walk by, Amber said: “Hey Julia! Did you see Vincent?” Julia smiled and said: “Vincent the new guy? He is hot but he is weird I think I saw him chatting with Alison but they look like they were fighting.” Amber looked up fighting? Amber quickly put down her soda but then her mind flashed a picture she saw Alison lying on the floor with blood over her side and Vincent was holding a dagger.

         Vincent looked at his hands, he finally killed his father's killer but why was he felt so empty? Vincent kept on stepping back as he was thinking why was Alison in his memory and why was he kissing her? Vincent stepped back as he bumped into tree he dropped the dagger and ran off into the woods. Amber quickly came after Vincent and saw Alison on the floor, Amber examined the dagger it was the legendary fire dagger which could kill a vampire using the blood of an Eternal. Amber took out her spell book and flipped through the pages, she said: “Ali...stay with me come on...” Alison smiled and said: “Just let me go Amber.” Amber shake her head said: “No I'm not letting you go, you promise to protect me right?” Alison nodded as Amber said: “Ali this is going to really hurt but please just hold on.” Alison nodded as Amber cut her hand letting the blood drop on the dagger and stabbed Alison again.

        Serena and Ethan looked at the sheriff and said: “Sheriff! Please don't lock us up!” The sheriff took out her handcuff and locked Ethan. Serena smiled and quickly went to bite the sheriff on the neck, Ethan easily broke the handcuffs and went to join Serena as Serena left her handprints on the sheriff's shirt. Little kids was happily crying balloons and as two young couple went to the woods to make out they saw someone's legs. The young man yelled: “Hey! Don't hide here its our place!” The person didn't move as the young man walked close to it he stood stunned, the girl joined him said: “Honey, what's the...matter?” The young girl screamed as someone called the ambulance.

        Amber keep on reading spells to cure Alison in her spell book but nothing was working, as she heard someone saying: “ are you going to help her?” Amber look up it was Serena, Amber smiled said: “Serena...what do you want?” Serena smiled said: “You.” Amber look up: “What do you want me for?” Serena said: “To open our family secret.” Serena smiled and said: “Nothing you do is going to help her but I can if you agree.” Amber didn't hesitate and agreed, Serena smiled as she bite her own wrist and took some blood of her mother's and gave it to Alison. Amber asked: “What is that?” Serena smiled said: “My blood and my mother's blood.” Amber was amazed: “How can that cure her?” Serena smiled said: “To save a vampire from dying the only thing is use the blood that the vampire care most about in her human life. The answer to that question is me and our mom, Alison always cared about mom and me eventhough I am suppose to be the bigger sister.” Amber looked at Serena and saw that her eyes has tears, she knew Serena still cared about her little sister.

That night their father got very drunk, the council was blaming him on the failure of shipping of the goods. When their father came back Alison and Serena's mom was being hit, Alison quickly hold his father's hands and yelled: “How can you be someone's husband! How can you hit your own wife!” Her father pushed her on the floor as Alison went up to block her mother from being hit again. Her father broke the chair on her back as Alison collapsed on the floor. Her mother yelled the father to stop as he angrily went to his room. The second time, Serena was being naughty she reject the offer of the marriage of prince bursan their father got mad and started a beating again, Alison once again helped them blocked it. 

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