Orgin of the Legends

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Light shines down from above. 12 gates creating a circle. Symbols on the gate walls appear as mysterious men in cloaks walked through their own gate. When all 12 of them were there they stood together in the center. Looking up to the light, they chanted the words, "Careless, careless, shoot anonymous, anonymous, heartless, mindless, no one to care about me". To the people of EXO, this chant was a call to the 12 Legends to protect and help them. Basically saying that evil people threaten their lives and there is no one else to save them but the Legends. Each Legend was the master and Lord of their own element or ability. The 12 legends were....

The Lord of Light
The Lord of Fire
The Lord of Wind
The Lord of Time
The Lord of Life
The Lord of Levitation
The Lord of Ice
The Lord of Lightning
The Lord of the Ground
The Lord of Telepathy
The Lord of Teleportation
and The Lord of Water

Each one had their own symbol that the people knew them for and represented their power. Each one unique in their own way. The Legends gathered to discuss a very important topic. They were growing old and it was now their time to pass on the torch to a new generation. They agreed to go to their home villages to find their successor/apprentice. This wasn't going to be easy though. To be one of the 12 Legends you had to be born a Legend, so they couldn't pick just anyone. So they returned to their villages, 6 of them went to the K side, and the other 6 to the M side. In each village, being the home of a Legend, everyone had the same ability as their Legend. For for Light village, the ability of light, and for fire village the ability of fire, and so on and so forth. But the villagers weren't​ as powerful. They could only do the basics. The Legends were much stronger and could do things no else in the village could do. 

Who are these Legends? Story goes that their was the Great Tree of Life, the very life source of their planet EXO. A dark force longed for it's heart, for it contained the power of the elements. The darkness sucked the life out of the tree. To protect the heart, the tree was split into two and the 12 Legends were born to protect and hide each side. Each Legend was granted with powers of one element of the tree. So that they could defeat the  a dark forces, the heart unlocked in them the ability to reach an elements true potential. They divided into two forces taking their own part of the tree to the opposite sides of the world, side K and side M. Named after Kadar, the first Lord of the Ground, and Mablevi, the first Lord of Telepathy. When the dark force was finally defeated, the tree was reunited and stronger than ever. The 12 Legends were then decreed to protect the world's life force along with the villagers so that their people could continue to live and have peace. And so this incident would never happen again keeping EXO forever protected. 

For generations the Legends have passed down their titles and responsibilities. Never was there ever a need to worry. The world was at peace. But that would not last long. Unaware of another planet far away that was soon to threaten the existence of EXO.

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