Chapter 5: Here We Go Again

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 I stared down at the floor as the turbo lift made its way to the Bridge. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Ambassador Spock had died. I just felt awful because I couldn't do anything to ease "my" Spock's pain.

 My thoughts were interrupted when the turbo lift stopped and Captain Kirk stepped in. I smiled at him. "Captain," I greeted.

 "Lieutenant," he responded with a smile.

 There was a brief silence until Kirk broke it. "Hey, uh. Was... was Spock mad at you? If so, I do apologize for that, I don't know what came over me."

 "It is quite fine, Captain. Spock is not mad," I answered with a smile.

 "Good, good," he said with a nod.

 Speaking of the devil, the turbo lift stopped once more and Spock walked in.

 "Captain," Spock greeted. "Penny."

 I smiled at him, but Kirk went with a formal greeting. "Mr. Spock," he said.

There was a deafening silence in the turbo lift, and it started to get uncomfortable. Oh wait, I jinxed it.

 -"I was thinking..."

-"Perhaps there..."

 "No, please," Kirk said, gesturing for Spock to speak first.

 "Captain, after you. I insist," Spock said.

 Kirk looked back down at the floor. "After this mission, we should sit down. There's something I need to talk to you about."

 My heart lurched at the tone of Kirk's voice. Something wasn't quite right.

 "I as well have something to share," Spock said with a nod.

 They both turned to face the door, and silence loomed once ag- ugh really. Okay then.

 "We make a great team. Right?" Kirk asked.

  "I believe we do," Spock said.

 By the mercy of all things good, the doors finally opened. Spock motioned for Kirk to take the lead, but Kirk shook his head and motioned towards the door. "I insist."

 Spock just nodded and walked away, quickly if I might add.

 I finally decided to make my presence known, and I called after them. "Why are you two so awkward?!?!"


 Kirk requested a ship-wide channel be opened so that he could tell the crew exactly what we were getting into.

"Attention, crew of the Enterprise. Our mission is straightforward. Rescue a crew stranded on a planet in uncharted space. Our trajectory will take us through an unstable nebula, one which will disable all communication with Starfleet. We're gonna be on our own. The Enterprise has something no other ship in the fleet has, you. And as we've come to understand, there is no such thing as the unknown, only the temporarily hidden. Kirk out."

 When Kirk finished his little speech, I glanced out the window to see the nebula looming ahead. There were asteroids floating everywhere, and lightening bounced from one rock to another. Upon entering it, the ship rocked violently, but thanks to the guidance of Mr. Sulu and Mr. Chekov, the ship had hardly any scratches on it.

 I looked over to see Kirk watching Spock closely, who was simply staring at the floor, deep in thought. I drew in a deep breath, not sure on how I am suppose to talk to Spock about it. Or maybe he didn't want to talk about it at all.

 My thoughts were interrupted by Chekov. "Readings indicate cloud density diminishing, sir," Chekov reported happily.

 I looked out, and it was true. I could see the vastness of space, and a planet that looked very similar to Earth. I jumped at the new voice in the room. "This is Altamid. My ship is stranded here."

 The voice belonged to a translator that was hooked around a woman's neck. I had never seen her race before, but apparently she was the one who was guiding us.

 Spock sat back down in his seat and read his screen quickly. "Approaching Altamid. Class-M Planet. Massive subterranean development. But limited to no life forms on the surface."

 "Proximity alert, sir!" Chekov suddenly blurted out. "We have an unknown ship heading right for us."

 "Lieutenant, hail them," Kirk quickly commanded.

 "Yes, sir," Uhura said, who I honestly forgot was here. "No response. I am picking up some kind of signal. They're jamming us."

 Kirk got out of the chair. "Magnify, Mr. Sulu."

 The screen zoomed in on the ship, and I honestly cannot explain what it looked like. It was like a mirror clashed with a whale or something, and it looked terrifying.

 Kirk turned around to glare at the unknown woman. "What is this?" He growled. After no answer, he turned around and gave a battle command. "Shields up! Red alert!"

 The sirens went off, the lights started flashing red, and all I could think was here we go again...

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