Chapter 4: Stardate: 2230.06 - 2263.02

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"Excuse me, Commander Spock. May we have a moment of your time?" One of them asks.

Spock stared at them for a few, and I watched as what little color he had seemed to drain from his face. Something was wrong. Very wrong. He looks to me as if he is asking for permission, and I nod in response.

 We followed the two Vulcans to a secluded area with a pretty view of the outside. They hand Spock a Padd as they speak. "We are very sorry to inform you that Ambassador Spock has passed away. We were inclined to tell you because one of his final wishes was to let you be the first to know of his passing. He also wanted you to have this," he said, handing Spock a small box that had a beautiful design on the front.

 Spock stared at it for a long moment before handing the small box to me. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Live long and prosper," he said, holding up the Vulcan sign.

 "Live long and prosper," one of the men responded.

 As they walked away, Spock slowly turned around and walked towards the window. I simply stood there in shock, unsure of what to say. "Spock" was gone, yet he wasn't. He was standing right in front of me.

He opened up the Padd and read the screen. I walked up and wrapped my arm around his torso, reading it as well. It said "Ambassador Spock; Stardate: 2230.06 - Stardate: 2263.03. Federation Ambassador; Second Officer - USS Enterprise; Executive Officer - USS Enterprise;".

 He slowly looked up and stared out of the window, not saying a word. I didn't want to break the silence, so I grabbed the Padd from his hands and set it and the box on the floor gently before engulfing him in a hug.

 I knew this was effecting him incredibly, because he didn't even hug me back.


 It had been about two hours or so since we heard of Ambassador Spock's passing when my communicator went off.

 "Penny," Kirk said, "We need everyone back aboard the ship. I will give the details once we are on board. Kirk out."

 I sighed heavily, wanting nothing more than a break from flying through space. I got up from the booth I was sitting in at a cafe and groggily walked back to the ship.


*gasp* HI!!!

 I really hope you liked this chapter, cause it was really hard to write... I love Leonard Nimoy and he will always have a special place in my heart. :( <3

LLAP!  ~stumpy1999

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