Chapter Eight

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"Twenty-four hours? Well, we better get thinking of a plan." Sav says as we watch Thranduil go.

"You two are quite the negotiators. The king usually is not swayed from his decisions so easily." Bard says, walking up to us.

"Well, what can I say, we can be quite convincing." Sav says.

"Do you have a plan yet?" Bard asks

"Not exactly. We could just sneak into the mountain and steal Thranduil's gems." Sav says jokingly.

"Actually, that could work. You could sneak in, get what everyone wants, and get out. No war, nobody gets hurt." Bard says.

"Wait, what about afterwards? Don't you think that Thorin will be a little pissed that we stole from him? He already doesn't trust us, we don't need to give him another reason why to hate us." I chime in.

"We'd have to risk it. Would you rather not do anything and make the king attack?" Bard speaks

"Well, no, bu-"

"Then it's decided. You two go tonight." Bard cuts me off

"Wait, us two? I can't do this, I didn't sign up for this." I State

"We've snuck in and out of places before, even when slightly drunk and with other people. I'd be easy, a quick in and out." Sav exclaims excitedly

"But we've never snuck into a place with people on the lookout. And I've never stolen something bigger than a pack of gum out of someone's pocket." I argue.

"It'll be fine. Most of the dwarves still trust us and will probably understand why we're doing this. Besides, if you can manage to pickpocket someone successfully, you'll do just fine. We'll go tonight around midnight." Sav says

"Fine." I say, knowing that I won't be able to persuade her to not make me go.

"Then it's settled. Tonight at midnight you will go." Bard says, and walks away.


"You almost ready?" Sav says to me as I finish getting dressed in a black outfit. I had black pants, a black tunic, and a black cloak. All of which Bard had magically been able to find for me.

"Yeah. Hold your damn horses." I say, turning around after finishing pinning my cloak on. Sav is dressed very similarly, with the completely black outfit. She's also wearing a pair of black boots that are made of fabric, as well as holding another pair.

"These are for you. I honestly have no idea where Bard is getting all these, but I'm just glad that he did." She says, throwing me the boots. I slide off my mismatched shoes and slide on the black ones. They fit quite well, and were warmer than they looked. I get up just as Bard comes in.

"Ready?" He asks, and I nod in response. He leads us to the centre of town, where a tent is set up. Two elven guards are standing outside of the door. The guards move aside, and Bard leads us in. There the king is sitting on a chair, dressed in fine robes much like the ones he wore in Mirkwood. Does this guy ever not wear something so... showy?

"I have been informed that you two will be stealing from the dwarves. Is that correct?" He says, not looking at us.

"Y-yes, My lord." I say

"And you expect to be successful?"


"You do realise that the dwarf leader will most likely kill you if he finds out."

"I kinda guessed that."

"So you understand the risks?"

"Yes, my King."

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