How to describe..

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2 years.. 24 months... 730 days... 1,051,200 minutes... I was in love in with that boy. He showed me how to love, how to dream, and how to see the astonishing beauty. Blake knew me in a way I couldn't describe; the love that we shared, it was almost breathtaking just thinking about it. Having someone who believed in your dreams almost as much as you did, but someone who saw the world much worthier than anyone could ever see.

He showed me that beauty.


"Didn't think you were gonna show."

"Yeah I heard from Patty Jackson and.."

"Do you blame me though? Two years Emilyn, two years." He said cutting me off.

"Blake I know and.."

"I don't think you do you know. You and I, Emilyn I loved you more then anything and you forgot it all."

"I tried you know. I tried so hard to make it all work. I had so much going on and it was hard enough trying to balance everything and keeping up with my old life." I looked up at him finally making eye contact, " It was too much Blake."

"I missed you, you know." He spoke softly taking a step towards me. His warm arms wrapped around me and I felt my whole body ease into him.

"I missed you too. More than you can imagine." And it was true.

All your life you are comfortable, growing up in a small town with all your friends and family everything seems simple. When I left I thought it was all going to stay semi simple; that Blake and I would be able to work things out and I'd be able to stay in the loop with Charlotte, but as each day went on I lost a part of that comfortableness and found my new comfortable. I made new friends, met so many new people, and now my life is just what I always dreamed it would be and more.

"It's been really different these past few months without you." Blake spoke gently breaking the silence.

"It's been different with a lot of things."

"Yeah, I could tell."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing I guess. It's just you've changed that's all."

"I just grew up and.."

"Oh shit." He mumbled cutting me off. "I've got to get back to my mom, I'll see you later." There was nothing else. No I love you, no hug, and no kiss goodbye.

And once again I was left alone. It's strange because Charlotte was my home, it was my safe place, but it was where I felt like I belonged. Now it felt like I was a stranger in this town–in my town. I felt the eyes starring at me and the whispers–shocked that I was here. I was pretty shocked at myself that I actually came back. I guess maybe I wanted to come back and see that I made the right decision and right now I felt like I did. Moving away from this town, letting go of my past, removing the people I once knew. It helped me grow, but most of all it helped me let go of my father.

"Emilyn, come take a picture." My mother spoke sharply catching my attention.

"Sure." I put a smile on my face as I stood next to my mom. A million camera flashes were being flashed into my eyes. Of course the paparazzi was here, who else does my mother love calling and sharing my every move with. I looked around and everyone was staring at me. I've gotten use to the stares but sometimes it bothers me cause I am just a girl from Charlotte, Tennessee and I think a lot of people tend to forget that nowadays.

"Hey thanks guy. If you could just give us some privacy." I said politely waving off the camera people. You know when you just work with the paparazzi and smile for a few photos they'll leave you alone; they're actually not bad people.

"Mom, really?" I say annoyed once they have all cleared out.

"What how was I supposed to know they were coming?"

"Really? Do you think I'm dumb or something."

"Of course not, but oh Emilyn who cares. Just smile, the world loves seeing that pretty little face of yours."

"Just stop. This trip is suppose to be about me. I just finished the tour and I just want to catch up with some friends."

"Emilyn sweetie, do you think these people are really going to treat you the same way as they use to? You're an icon around the world; nobody here will ever see you as old Emilyn. This isn't your world anymore."

I guess she was right...this wasn't my world anymore. Blake wasn't mine anymore, Haley wasn't my best friend. I'm no longer that girl that I used to be. I guess when I left, everybody moved on just like I did, and I was dumb think I'd come back and my friends and I would just pick up where we had left off last. That was clearly the last thing that would be happening here now.

"I'm gonna head out, I'll be home later." I said picking up my tassel that fell off my cap. I waited to hear a response from my mom, but she had already turned back around being engulfed into another conversation.


Chapter 2 wohhoooo 

Yayyy! So short chapter, but still I'm getting into the story. What do you guys think so far? 

Okay quick things has anyone listened to Ed Sheeran's new album because holy mother I'm in love with it!!!!!

But okay on a serious note: More chapters on the way. thank you for reading I love you guy!! And keep spreading this story because I love hearing comments back from you guys..

Goodnight everyone 

xxxx Rachel  

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