To be a Shinobi

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Liar. She didn't know why that was labelled as a bad thing. After all weren't ninja meant to kill, to deceive others even if it would destroy them?

-shinobi were tools-

From a young age she realised she didn't think the same as the other children, didn't have unrealistic fantasties or being a hero; she didn't have any aspirations in what would become of her career at all after the academy.

-meant to be used and discarded once they had fulfilled their purpose-

Why would you disobey a direct order from your superior? They know best after all - it's how they are still alive in this profession (her remaining teamate looked at her in disgust for leaving the other to die) - she knew they couldn't fail the mission they'd been assigned "the mission comes first" as had been drilled in their heads from day 1.

-their lives were not their own to control-

She was younger than most to go into ANBU but who would notice anyway when there was two geniuses who had joined earlier? (ignoring the fact one snapped and massacred an entire clan in one night) Why were people scared to see the faces of the people they'd murdered - to hear their screams when assassination was supposed to be silent killing? (you weren't supposed to let there be any sign they were going to die) So the logic of some was rather contradictory than as to what they were taught.

-a shinobi was not meant to feel-

How naive. They sacrificed themselves pointlessly for each other in acts of supposed selflessness (selfishness) so as to not see the other die and in doing so failed the mission, failed in what they signed their lives away to. She wondered if there was anyone that realised what a shinobi was anymore.

-in becoming a shinobi you give up everything; anything that gives you a weakness, that makes you human-

They were taught to die for their village with a smile on their faces as it was a great service you were doing, - how wonderful of you to offer up your life and die for us, - so when some went against that, she hunted them down and brought back their heads as a prize for the village. You don't betray your home that has given you everything that ensured you lived until now.

-everything you do is for the village-

She was dying. She could feel the metallic taste of death as it flowed from her mouth into the ground. She's taken a fatal hit meant for the apprentice of Tsunade-hime (a little girl still entrapped in her delusions of the future) after all she couldn't die, she was an important figure (even if in the privacy of her own mind she knew the girl was weak and unprepared) so her death meant nothing. It wouldn't have anyway she wasn't a person anymore, she was a tool for the village -her being was dedicated to being a hunter nin, not a figurehead or a hero.

-a tool is discarded once broken as were shinobi-

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