Silent Hurt

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  Eunha and Sinb read the twitter when they bored.The other member just roaming around at the living room.Nothing to do.It their holiday.Yuju start singging rubbish thing.
"YAH..STOP SINGING ALIEN SONG"shout Sowon but Yuju make the volume up.They laugh together.
Sinb hand stop scrolling the page.Her eyes stick to the screen together with Eunha.The other aware of thet situation and move beside them.Only Yuju look uninterested and keep singing.
  'Bts Jimin report to be dating Red velvet Seulgi.Fans give a prove'
They look at the article and Eunha repeatly.Eunha just sigh.
  "No..Maybe its just a rumour.No one know whether it is true or not"said Yerin and hug Eunha shoulder.
  "Forget them.We cant change the fate that they cant have girlfriend because of the fan"said Yuju with lazy tone.She get up and walk to the kitchen.Cook for lunch.
"But when we couple.Fan like it"said Umji.Yuju look at Umji and raise her eyebrows."Really?"said Yuju make Umji stare on the floor.
"Dont think about it.Eunha ah..Come here.Help me cooking"said Yuju.Eunha give a weak smile and get up to help Yuju.
  We share the table with Blackpink.We talk about many things.The show already end and suddenly Suga come and talk with Jennie make the situation suddenly awkward.Yuju just act dont care while Umji keep looking at Suga and Jennie.Yuju nodge Umji to rid the look.
  "Lets go"said Yuju and stand up first.At the same time,Bts comes and stop them.Blackpick look awkward and leave the table.Yuju sigh and take a seat again.She look annoyed while Jungkook keep a sharp stare to her.
Gfriend member look scared and have a sad expression.Their eyes lock to their own lover.Yuju is the only one look uninterested with this situation.She just playing with the bottle on the table.
  "We need to talk"said Suga with his cool expression."You are talking right now"said Yuju with lazy tone.Suga look annoyed.He pull Umji hand and bring her to somewhere.The other couple also like that leaving Jungkook and Yuju.Now,Yuju cant see Namjoon everywhere and start to feel annoyed with Jungkook that sit in front of her.
Jungkook just staring at Yuju without saying anything.
"Why you leave me?"ask Jin.His grip and Sowon hand keep tight.Sowon hold Jin hand that hold her.
  "Because im tired of everything"said Sowon.Jin look at her with serious expression.
  "why?"ask Jin..Sowon laugh."You ask me why?You dont see what i have to go through just to couple with you.Just forget it.You and your kids need to move on.We cant and never together."said Sowon and walk away.She hides behind the door and tears start to flowing.
"Why?"ask Jimin.Eunha stare on the floor.Her eyes already full of tears.Eunha shook her head.Jimin sigh.He walk closer and raise Eunha chin to make her look at him.
  "Why?"ask him again.He wipes the tears at Eunha face.Eunha push the hand slowly.
  "Just stop and forget everything"said Eunha and walk away.
Suga annoyed.He keep hitting the wall."Why you do this to me?"shout Suga to Umji make Umji shock.Umji just shook her head.Suga groan in anger.
  "You know how much i love you"said Suga cold.He keep her eyes on Umji that just stand blankly.Umji looj like she in the other world.
  "Stop everything"said Umji really serious and leave him alone.
  "Why?"shout Jhope."Shut up"said Sinb without expression.
  "Why?"..."Shut up"said Sinb.Jhope sigh.Talk never suitable for the two of them.Jhope just look at Sinb then take a seat at the sofa.Sinb too.
  "We need to stop.Let just continue like never happen between us.Tell your member and we cant be friend either."said Sinb.Jhope groan.
"Why this happen to us?"ask him.Sinb just shook her head.
  "Lets go..Look for the other"said Sinb.The two of them really cool.
V look at Yerin with a cute face."Dont leave me"said V with a pout cheek.
  Yerin sigh."What the hell this kid.Hey...stop it"said Yerin and push V face slowly.
  V pout again and sit beside Yerin.He puts his head at Yerin shoulder make Yerin turn around her eyes."Hey...i said stop it"said her again with lazy tone.V just smile.
"Can we just be friend?"ask him.Yerin shook her head.
"No..we just stranger"said Yerin.V stand up and stomp his feet.He walk away leave Yerin.Yerin smile.
'I really gonna miss that'think Yerin
"Why?"ask Jungkook.His eyes stick to Yuju that just playing with her smartphones.Yuju make a blank face to Jungkook."Yes?"ask Yuju.She just make a blank face looking at Jungkook.Jungkook give sharp look.
"Why this happen"ask Jungkook again.Yuju make an 'o' expression."I dont know anything.Dont ask me"said Yuju.She continue playing her phones.Jungkook try to be patient.
  "I love you"said jUngkook suddenly.Yuju just look at Jungkook while raise her eyebrows."Ouh..really?Thank you for your love but Army love more big.Take care of that love.I appreciate your love to me."said Yuju and leave the place.
  Bts assemble at that table back after talking with their couple.Everyone look tired and stress.
  "So..What happen?"ask Namjoon that just arrive.All of them shook their head at the same time.Namjoon sigh.
  "Guys..Listen to this..They are right"said Namjoon.He receives a stare from all the member.He take a deep breath before continue.
  "We have our own future and they are too.We almost catch our dreams and receive a really stable fans while them....They just start..They also have a dream to catch.Did you want to make them fall just because of your love.Yuju is right.From the start we come to this world,we want to find our dream not our love.You understand right?''said Namjoon.
  The other nod their head and leave out a heavy sigh."Why this happen to us.Other group have their couple and receive love.While us...we never make a friend with girl''said V with a sad face.Namjoon tap his head with a smile.
  "V..this is life"said him.
** chapter going to be the last chapter for this story..Thank you for ypur time to read this little kid imagination.Actually im seventeen.hahahha***

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