The Way It Was (Finnick Odair-THG)

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The salty air kissed your face as you faced the ocean. It was so soothing to sit with your eyes closed and take in the atmosphere. With the sunset on the horizon and the sand in your toes, you couldn't imagine wanting to live in any other district besides District 4.

Two hands covered your eyes, "Guess who?"

You giggled, "Hmmm...The Boogie Man?"

"Wrong. Guess again," he said.

"Oooooh, is it Ryan Gosling? I hear he was a dreamy actor way back in the 2000's," you guessed, still playing dumb.

"Incorrect," he chuckled.

"Joshua Hutcherson?" You asked hopefully.

"Nope," he answered.

"Liam Hemsworth?" You sighed.

"Still wrong," he said in a sing song voice.

"Aw, is it that Finnick guy that keeps following me around like a lost puppy?" You teased.

"Correct," he said, walking around in front of you and taking your hands, pulling you to your feet.

You admired your boyfriends messy, chestnut colored hair and captivating, sea glass green eyes. Not to mention his sturdy build, perfect cheekbones, and rosy lips. He was truly a work of art.

"Why aren't you in your work clothes?" You asked, placing your hands on his shoulders and sliding them down his arms. He wore a cream colored, crew neck shirt with three buttons and slim black pants that were rolled up at the bottom. Usually he would still have his yellow work overalls on.

"We didn't catch anything today," he looked away, "so I got off early and changed."

"That's the third time this week," you said, concerned, looking down at your feet.

"Hey," he smiled, tilting your chin up to meet his bright eyes, "don't worry about me."

"I always worry about you, Finnick!" You exclaimed, "at any given moment the Capitol could take you back and sell you like they used to."

"But they won't," he said gently, "That will never happen again." He pulled you into a hug.

"I love you," you said with your check pressed against his chest.

"I love you too. But I suggest you run," he replied.

You stepped back, "why?"

"Because, the Tickle Monster is coming," he smiled wickedly.

You squealed and took off down the beach, your feet pounding against the sand. Sadly you were no match for your boyfriend's speed and stamina, for he caught up to you and wrapped his arms around your middle, spinning you around. You squealed again as your feet touched the ground and his fingers mercilessly tickled your sides.

Once he was finished and you were out of breath from laughing, you took his hand and loftily walked down the shore. He bumped your shoulder slightly so you stumbled toward the tide. You giggled as the water lapped at your feet, and you kicked some towards him. It splashed gently onto his exposed ankles and feet, causing him to smile widely.

"Wanna wade?" You asked, tilting your head to look up at him.

"I'd love to," he replied.

He took your hand, and slowly you walked into the waves. Your hands disconnected as the water slowly rose to your middle and your hands skimmed the surface. You closed your eyes and took in the soothing feel of the water. You didn't care that your clothes were completely soaked. Finnick came behind you and slipped his arms around your stomach. You smiled fondly as he set his chin on your shoulder. You leaned your head on his and reached up your watery hand to tousle his soft locks. He smiled and leaned down to press a featherlight kiss to your shoulder.

"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N," he murmured.

You wished you could go back in time and relive these moments. Especially now as you hugged your knees to your chest, having received word of your husbands death. The two of you married in District 13 before he was send with his squad to the Capitol. It was in the Capitol that Snow's mutts killed him.

Snow. The thought of him made your blood boil with red hot anger. You stood from your sobbing position on the ground and sprinted towards the elevators. With shaking hands you took yourself down to the weaponry. You dashed to the back of the room where they kept the training punching bags and had at it. Your fists were flying, searing hot tears were flowing, and furious outcries emitted from the back of your throat.


You spun around and you punched the air aimlessly before falling to the ground. You weakly looked up through watery eyes to see Finnick standing there. But no, it wasn't him. It was only a memory. Though it looked all too real.

Your mind had transported you back to the day you were training to go with them to the Capitol. You were punching away when Finnick startled you and you punched him in the face. You felt terrible, but he just held his hand over his nose and laughed. Oh how you loved that laugh.

You wandered from the training area back to the elevators, where you could see him striking a model pose in his underwear.

"Do you find this distracting?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

You laughed sadly as fresh tears stained your cheeks. You continued up to the hospital ward, finding his old room. You looked into the empty space and watched him sitting there on his bed with his rope, tying and untying, tying and untying, tying and untying.

You leaned your forehead against the glass, yearning for him to be alive. Wishing he was still there to hold you, even if it was just for one more moment.

You wiped your tears with your sleeve as you meandered down the hallways to your living quarters. You half expected him to saunter out the door as usual with that cheeky grin of his that you adored. But he didn't. You entered the room and stared at your shared bed. His pillow. His blanket. His belongings.

You sat on the edge of the bed and slowly laid down, swinging your legs up to rest as well. You buried your face in his pillow, which was still infused with the the smell of his minty shaving cream and beach scented shampoo. You breathed the aroma that was so familiar and made you feel safe and at peace. As you slipped into a deep sleep, you could almost feel his secure arms still around you. It was there in your dreams everything could be the way it was before.

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