Chapter Twelve: Perfect

Start from the beginning

After dressing myself in the sweatpants which were very baggy, I took my shirt off and left myself in my cami, a spaghetti strapped tank top. I slipped the over sized sweatshirt on myself and cozier right into it. I pulled my hair into a low messy side bun to keep it out if my face. When I get back to my backpack, i'll have to get my skinny black head band to keep the stray strands out of my face.

Cautiously, I opened the door with my jeans and shirt in my hands, looking both ways as if making sure no one was there. I tiptoed over to Cameron's room and peeked in and saw him facing toward his dresser, searching for a shirt. He was shirtless. The muscles in his back flexed as he moved around and he finally pull a dark blue Nike shirt out to go with his black shorts. I stepped inside and sat my clothes on his bed near my backpack.

"Um, I'm sorry I made you miss practice." I told Cameron as he grabbed blankets and pillows from his closet and bed. He completely tore off his thick bed spread and in the process knocking all our stuff on it off onto the floor. I groaned and picked up all my crap before setting by the door. Cameron chuckled.

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have got detention and I wouldn't have missed it. Besides, this is more fun than running the halls a million times," He rolled his eyes as he exaggerated. I smiled at this, no one ever likes spending time with me.

"Well, they should." Cameron smirked. My cheeks got red when I realized I said that out loud. Trying to avoid the awkwardness I was bringing on myself, I helped Cameron lay out the blankets and pillows that we would be laying on. He got up from where we was adjusting the blankets and opened up the cabinets under the TV stand that his small flat screen was sitting on. I sat down on the bed we made on the floor and sat Indian-style. The sleeves of the blue sweatshirt I had on came down over my hands and I clenched the ends in my fists.

"Okay, so how about the movie... Armageddon?" Cameron queried as he held up the movie case. I grinned wide before nodding my head excitedly, "Yes! I love that movie." Cameron chuckled at me and put the movie is before grabbing his remote and sat back beside me, his elbows brushing mine. I felt that spot tingle but ignored it. Of course it would, he has been saying the sweetest to me. Why me? I'd like to know that. I wasn't the type of girl people just take a liking to. Sure, I was friendly and all at school, but most boys don't see friendly as anything compared to "Skimpy" or whatever else.

I stared at the side of Cameron's face for a moment as I contradicted the thoughts in my head. What was wrong with him? Did someone put him up to being nice to me or is he doing it because he felt guilty for being a jerk earlier today? So many questions... I could just ask him, but that would be to easy. There's the possibility of him being nice because I'm his tutor but that won't last forever. Would our friendship last forever? this is the only set of questions that I don't know the answer to.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," Cameron smirked as he turned his head towards me. I blushed and silently thanked the heavens it was dark in here so he couldn't see me blush. I laid back on my pillow and crossed my arms. The blanket on top of me was soft and comforting as I held on to it. The part where Harry is chasing after A.J with his gun was in and I giggled, this part always made me laugh. Cameron laughed from beside me and I shivered, his laugh was really cute.

I mean that in the manliest way possible.


I felt a tear slip out of my eye while they were glued to the TV screen. A.J was telling the other guys that Harry forced him to come back and go to earth to take good care of his daughter, Grace. It really got me when Harry shoved A.J into the tune to go back to their space ship. I had to continuously tell myself, "It's just a movie". Cameron was lying on his back with both of his arms behind his head. His eyes were closed but they fluttered open a few times before they shut again. I could tell he was trying to stay awake for my sake.

When the credits came on, I laid back onto my fluffy, Cameron-smelling pillows and snuggled into them as he turned the TV off. I adjusted myself to rest on the side of my hip and tucked my hand under the pillow, something I did every night to fall asleep. My eyes had been closed and oblivious to how close my face was to Cameron's. The creepy part was, his eyes were slightly open.

I held breath as I scooted away a small amount to that I wasn't breathing in his face. Cameron chuckled lightly as he turned on his back. I suddenly wasn't as tired as I was a moment ago and was wanting to talk. Even Cameron was sleeping, I'm definitely not letting him sleep.

"Hey, Cam?" I asked as I propped my head onto my hand, my elbow on my pillow.

"Hmm?" Cameron mumbled. He was clearly tired.

"What's it like?" I murmured. He turned on his side so he was facing me, his eyes partly closed as he adjusted himself.

"What's what like?" He replied.

"Dyslexia," I answered reluctantly. Maybe I shouldn't ask about that...

"It just makes it difficult to read and write sometimes. I didn't like reading in front of you because I only embarrassed myself." Cameron answered. I could tell it was truthful by the way he said it. I sighed.

"You don't have to be embarrassed to do anything in front if me, you know that, right?" I said quietly. Cameron's eyes bored into mine.

"I feel like I do. And I don't usually get that way around anyone," He replied. I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a beat.

"Well, I am embarrassed to do stuff in front if you," I told him matter-of-factly.

"Really? Like what?" He questioned like he knew I was lying. Which I wasn't.

"I don't know, anything."

"You don't have to worry about anything, Soph."

"Why not?"

"You're perfect. Every inch of you. Your personality and your adorable looks are just a bonus. Nobody wants to take the time to know you like I do, now, anyways. Don't ever be embarrassed in front of me." Cameron reached down for my hand, took a hold of it and squeezed it, not taking his eyes off mine.

I felt a smile on my face and it was impossible to wipe it off. With a heart beating a thousand miles a minute, my eyes gradually closed as did Cameron's.


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