And Then It Happened (5)

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And Then It Happened (5)


Being chased around was really starting to get annoying.

First, a human contraption called a "helicopter" had ran me across the countryside and into a forest outside New York City. Then, a squadron of cantankerous human cars drove me even further into the wild. I'd managed to get some food by hunting, only to be chased off yet again as human foot soldiers swarmed my previous hiding place.

And it would be only a matter of time before Thor showed up.

I was running out of options. I had to evade S.H.I.E.L.D or I'd get thrown back in prison. I had to avoid the possible threat of Thor or I'd once again be sitting in my old cell in Asgard, most likely with doubled security. S.H.I.E.L.D might just hand me back to Thor to deal with anyway. Either way, I'd be stuck in a jail cell for the rest of my life.

I had to get off of Earth.

My dirty, worn boots crunched over fallen leaves as I paced back and forth in front of a small fire. I'd hung my jacket over a makeshift drying hamper made of sticks, partially to let it dry from washing it, and partially to help cover the fire. The trees seemed dark and menacing in the darkness, the smoke drifting up towards a half moon.

Walking around in frustration didn't really help my temper as I came up with nothing but dead ends. The problem was always this; I knew how to make a portal, but I didn't have what I needed to do it. I couldn't go anywhere to get the right materials without raising flags, and the only major power sources on the planet were guarded closely by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eventually, after coming up with no smart plans, I doused the fire, sat back against a tree, and went to sleep.


And, sure enough, my dreams weren't that much better than reality.

I stood, fully clothed in my battle armour, in a dark cavern that was open to the sky. Stars dotted the dark blue expanse above me, shedding little light on the twisting rocks that jutted out of the floor. My old sceptre was clenched in my hands, warm from the incredible energy that coursed through it. The hunched figure of an alien stood against the railing, his hooded head revealing nothing except a golden cage over his mouth with bluish skin and startling white, sneering teeth against blood-red gums.

"The Chitauri grow restlessss. . ." the Other hissed.

"Let them gird themselves," I said dismissively, walking slowly to the left. "I will lead them in the glorious battle."

"'Battle'?" the Other spat. "Against the. . .meagre might of Earth?"

"Glorious, not leingthy. If your force is as. . .formidable as you claim," I answered calmly, my voice slightly mocking.

"You question ussss?" the Other snarled, whirling to face me. "You question HIM? He who put the sceptre in your hand? Who gave you ancient knowledge and new purpose when you were cassst out? DEFEATED?"

"I WAS A KING!" I shouted, losing my temper for a second. "The rightful king of Asgard. Betrayed."

"Your ambition isss little," the Other sneered, clearly pleased to get a rise out of me. "Born of childish need. We look beyond the Earth to greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil!"

"You don't have the Tesseract yet," I retorted.

With an enraged hiss, the Other lunged at me with superhuman speed. It extended its extra-thumbed hand and would have brought it down on my face when it halted at the last second. I tried not to give it a smug look as I remembered that the Other was under orders not to touch me, though it clearly wanted my head.

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