You Will Remember My Name

Start from the beginning

                    As Lancer droned on about The Great Gatsby and color symbolism Danny had trouble keeping his eyes open. 'Don't fall asleep!' the teen commanded himself. He really did like the class. He would probably read the books if he had time. 'If only...' The halfa thought wistfully. The desire to sleep quickly became too much for Danny. 'Maybe just a minute of closing my eyes.'


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            "Mr. Fenton, there is no nap time in 10th grade!" Danny heard the usually quiet voice of Mr. Lancer shout. Danny abruptly sat up and opened his bleary eyes. "I'm so sorry Mr.Lancer. It was an accident." The English teacher spoke softly. "Mr.Fenton, come and see me after class." Danny nodded in reponse. The class dragged on like the ghost zone. The halfa was happy to see it come to an end. "Are you coming Danny?" Sam and Tucker started walking to the door.  "Go on guys. I have to talk to Lancer." The pair nodded and walked off. For some reason Danny felt fear at the thought of talking to the teacher. 'You fight ghosts on a daily basis and your scared of your teacher? He's not going to try to kill you. At least in the physical sense. Psychologically, that may be another story.'                                                                                                                                                                               

              Danny walked up to Lancer, who was at his desk grading papers. "Mr.Fenton, sit down." The teen complied and fiddled with his hands. "Now Danny, there's something I've noticed about you." Danny looked up surprised at hearing Lancer call him by his first name. " I've looked back at your grades from the beginning of ninth grade." He pulled out a grade book from the desk. "Look here." Lancer pointed to Danny's grade at the very beginning of that year. The year which had changed everything. Every grade was either an A ,or B. Danny couldn't remember the last time he had gotten an A on something. "Now look here." The teacher pointed to Danny's later grades. C's at best, F at the worst. All of them, of course after the accident. "Something happened that year Danny. You showed such promise in the beginning. I believe you still have so much potential. A teacher can only do so much for a student without knowing the situation though." Danny smiled bitterly. He appreciated it. He really did, but there was no way he could tell Lancer the truth.                                                                                                                                                                     

           "There's nothing to tell." Danny replied, telling Lancer the same thing he had told his parents. He was sure Lancer knew he was lying, but what could he say. "My sister's the smart one. My parent's are the ghost hunters. There's nothing special about me." Danny looked downcast. 'It is true sort of. Without these powers I'd be nothing.' "Mr.Fenton, do not underestimate yourself. We each have a gift and a calling. Mine was to teach and help give kids like you an extra push. You will find yours soon enough. You may go now Mr.Fenton." As the door closed Mr.Lancer whispered, "Oh Danny. There's something going on and I will find it out."

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