“I knew we’d meet again, sister.” He said, acknowledging her as if they were in some kind of family reunion. Arianna narrowed her eyes at him. “So, care to join me yet?”

                “Like I said, I would never join you.” She replied icily “Now, why did you kill them?”

                “Well as you know, I am ridding the existence of muggles and other filth on this planet for the world to be a better place where it is full of wizards of pure lineage.” Voldemort said, as if it were a very normal thing. He was still staring at the pictures he hadn’t messed up at the mantelpiece, it was where his graduation photo was kept “And as I remember, these two were muggles.” He then looked up at Arianna with a sadistic smile “Besides, I knew killing them would lead you back to me.”

                Arianna glared at him and pulled out her wand, Voldemort laughed.

                “Now, now.” He said, “Violence is never the answer, right?” Arianna ignored him and then started throwing all the curses she knew. She was being impulsive, it was the anger she was feeling that was making her do this and not think.

                                “You filthy little –“

                                “The only filthy one here is you, Arianna!” Voldemort growled as he watched his sister doge another hex he threw “You refuse to join me and do the right thing! That makes you filth like all the others!” he sneered

                                “You’re a hypocrite, Tom.” She said, using his birth name to upset him even more “If I’m considered fifth because of my lineage, then you’re one too. I’m your sister remember? And last time I checked, we were half-bloods.

                                Voldemort’s eyes narrowed in anger at her, he then threw several curses at once. Arianna thought she wasn’t going to be able to dodge but luckily she did. “Ah yes, I have underestimated you once again.” Said Voldemort, after Arianna had deflected every single spell he’d thrown. She panted in exhaustion and wiped some sweat that head formed on her forehead.

                                “I’m going to kill you for this.” Arianna said darkly, Voldemort just laughed as he walked up to her “Oh really?” he said “I know you aren’t capable of that, Arianna.”

                                “Watch me.” She said, holding up her wand again; but Voldemort grabbed her wrist before she could even point it at him.

                                “I’ll ask you one last time.” Voldemort said, staring into her eyes that were full of hate “Join me, or face the consequences.” Arianna glared at him

                                “Never.” She said her voice low but clear and full of hate. The boy she once called her brother then smiled sadistically.

                                “It was nice knowing you then, sister.” He said, grabbing her wand from her and then letting her go. He then pointed his own one at her and Arianna knew it was the final blow; she looked at her mother and cousin’s lifeless bodies one last time and remembered all the good memories she had. “Avada Kedavra!” her life flashed before her eyes, there was a green light and just like that she was gone.

                From outside, Sirius, James and Lily had seen the flash. Sirius knew Arianna had made him promise to leave if anything goes wrong but he couldn’t help it. He immediately ran inside, even James and Lily. Everything around him seemed to be a blur in his eyes, he didn’t care what he was about to face all he knew was he needed to find her. It didn’t take long before he had reached the living room just in time to see a pale man with scarlet eyes disapparate, with an evil smile on his face.

                But it wasn’t that that made his world stop. It was seeing the girl he loved lifeless on the floor, right next to her mum and little cousin who had barely even had much knowledge about the real world. Sirius didn’t know what he truly felt. He was mad and sad at the same time, he knew it was Voldemort who had done this and he wanted to kill him for it.

                He ran towards her lifeless body, and cradled it in his arms. Tears freely falling from his eyes. Lily and James sat next to him, also crying. Sirius wiped his tears, which was stupid because he knew there was more to come; he pushed her hair out of her face. She still looked pretty much the same; Lily held her hand and hugged her too. It was hard for her and James as much as it was for Sirius.

                His memories with her then replayed rapidly in his mind, starting from the first time he saw her up to the day he met her again just outside his mother’s house along with a little boy whom he found out was actually their kid.

                                “Goodbye, Arianna.” Lily whispered, crying harder. James patted her back, wiping a few tears that were starting to form in his eyes. Sirius shook his head.

                                “Don’t say that.” Sirius said his voice cracking. “She wouldn’t have wanted you to say it. She never believed in goodbyes, remember?” Lily just nodded and continued crying even harder. James did his best not to cry and just try and comfort his wife but he failed, he ended up tearing up too.

                                Sirius hugged her lifeless body once more, he didn’t know what to say or even think. He knew he wanted to kill Voldemort for what he had done; heck he would kill him right now if he had the chance but he knew Arianna would have wanted him to stay with Little Sirius. He didn’t even know what to say to her, he knew it was useless to say anything to her because she was lifeless but he felt like he needed to. So he went with the sentence he thought she would have liked the best.

                                “Until we meet again.”


A/N: **takes out shield and covers body** being the troll that I am... I have to ask... Who cried? Stupid question I know. Why did I ask? Well because I cried when I was writing this, and I feel a bit stupid because I did >.<

Haha anyways, I just finished dedicating chapters to the people who commented yesterday, there are still a few places left so feel free to comment! :) Oh and there's one last chapter left. So stay tuned >:D and just so you guys know... This story was already plotted before I posted it, so how this all went was planned waaay before I posted it. Just sayin'. ;) That, and school is over! I can write all I want again! :D Gah, I should stop talking.

You know what to do :)

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