84 same old fight

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It's been a while Samantha and Riley and Lucas met the neighbors family and the neighbors met their family and everything was in one word mm mm OK considering the fact that when Sammy Riley and Lucas met the neighbors at their apartment Dylan stared at Sammy all night long and Riley had to keep Lucas calm and relaxed everything was OK but Nathan he wasn't OK

Nathan - I let her walk away I can't believe I let her walk away I miss her so damn much I miss her I love her OK that's it I have to know why they like this I have to know why that's it I'm going over there

Nathan grabs his jacket and left his apartment

Nathan - I'm doing this

And he left

With Sammy

Dylan - sweet cakes you have a boyfriend

Samantha - if I did it's none of you're business

Dylan - girlfriend

Samantha - again if I did it's none of you're business why I do has nothing to do with you thank you very much

Lucas - HEY

Riley - Lucas baby

Her hands rub up and down his back calm and nice

Riley - good baby good

She kept running her up and down his back

Samantha - daddy

Lucas - I'm OK I'm OK

Riley - I got him sunshine

Lucas - stupid boys

Riley - I know I know come on

She kissed his neck so sweetly

Lucas - riles

Riley - you good and I'll be good to you

Just looking at her he was  good

Lucas  - I'm better I'm looking at you and Sammy I'm good

Riley - mm mm

She kisses him he kisses her

Dylan - damn

Nicole - ass

Riley - Sammy

Samantha - I'm coming

Lucas - I don't want you

Samantha - daddy I know

They went in of course they made sure she was OK

Dylan - you love me sweat cakes

Set Fire To The Rain Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now