42 crushing crushing crushing

52 5 3

Samantha - I like him to much

Riley and Lucas - Sammy

Samantha - yeah

Riley and Lucas - it's not good for you to be like this

Samantha - I know but I don't know what to do

Riley and Lucas - we meet him

Samantha - but

Riley and Lucas - we need to meet him

Samantha - so much crazy

Riley - you're daddy is crazier then me

Lucas - hey I love you girls I love you too

Riley and Samantha - we never said that we didn't love you

Lucas - I know

Riley and Samantha - good

Samantha looks at her parents

Riley and Lucas - Sammy

Samantha - what

Riley and Lucas - what do you need

Samantha - Nothing

Riley and Lucas - sunshine

Samantha - Nothing

Riley and Lucas - Samantha Angel Friar

Samantha - I hate it when you both use my middle name

Riley and Lucas - un-huh now what do you want

Samantha - my grandpa's

Riley and Lucas - yes

Samantha - can not meet him

Riley and Lucas - oh boy Sammy they won't like that at all have you met you're grandfather's

Samantha - yes the people partly responsible for bringing you two into the world but daddy is enough

Riley and Lucas - Sammy

Samantha - yes

Riley and Lucas - go to school

Samantha - fine I love you

Riley and Lucas - we love you too

At school

Nathan - Sammy

Samantha - oh why

Nathan - wait up

Nathan catches up to her

Nathan - hi

Samantha - hi

Nathan - are you OK

Samantha - what do you mean

Nathan - we don't talk much anymore

Samantha - I've been trying to get away

Nathan - from me

Samantha - No Not you

Nathan - then what

Samantha - Nothing

Nathan - would you talk to me again please

Samantha - I can't

Nathan - why Not

Samantha - it's just hard now

Nathan - what do you mean

Samantha - I mean I can't I'm 11 and I can't talk to you

Nathan - you can

Samantha - I'm not sure how to anymore

Nathan - tell me what I don't know

Samantha - my family my parents want to meet you

Nathan - really

Samantha - yeah

Nathan - finally when

Samantha - today after school

Nathan - OK see you after school

Nathan walks away smiling at her so big

Samantha - OK what did I just do

Abby - OK could you be anymore obvious

Samantha - go away

Abby - the whole school knows that you like him

Samantha - OK what part of go away don't you understand

Abby - you and Nathan are not a good idea but it's fun to watch

Samantha still has a lot of things to deal with including school problems but her family is crazy so a lot of kids are scared of them but Abby hasn't gotten the message yet that is

So Nathan will meet her family next and Sammy take a dangerous turn

Set Fire To The Rain Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now