Deer in Headlights. (8)

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They were always so intimidating, their voices so soft. All words said but they held no meaning. Offices would be neatly presented, the interior completely high end and objects scattered around looking as though made of diamond or platinum. The rooms are always too big for only two people; the silence was always too thick and too much for just two people to handle. They may have a beautiful view right outside their window but my gaze would stay down at my hands as I watched my fingers constantly move in the attempt to bring down the fear. Waiting for them to speak was nerve raking. It would have me yearning to simply stand up and thank them for their time and leave the room for a breath of fresh air.

Glancing up at the only source of sound in the room, the perfectly placed clock, in which vividly indicated the time being 3pm. I then heard her clear her throat to which sent a sudden chill down my spine and had me gasping in a deep breath of air hoping this would help reduce any physical presentation of fear. Moving my gaze towards her, I felt my whole-body tense when my brown eyes locked with her deep blue ones to which held a cold feel simply causing my insides to tighten. I watched as her eyes searched mine in the hopes to grasp on some sort of emotion that I desperately wanted to keep down, away from her completely. Her harshly red stained lips formed into a smile, presenting her perfect white teeth in the hopes to rip through the tense atmosphere lingering in the room but to no success.

They pull words out of you in the hopes they can help the situation, to let the tears form and spill, saying that no one should bottle up feelings. They want to seem like the good guy in this whole world full of people who would not spare as second glance but in the end, even though no words or mentions are said outside this room, there is always that harsh feeling tugging against my heart wondering if she was the one judging me. These people anger me, they make you feel like you're the only person in the world, the only person who's problems matter. Yet there is always the fear of her thinking that what I am going through is nothing compared to the others who've walked through those same doors. So, I don't spend money just to speak to another person in the hopes to feel 'better' because the only person who can change you is honestly, you.

Glancing up at her, I noticed the harsh red painted on her lips that caused her white teeth to glisten much brighter. I noticed the fact that even with her tongue darting out and coating her lips with a thin layer of saliva that none of the red lipstick was caught on her tongue, not ruining the colour whatsoever.

As humans, we think that love and care can last for a lifetime, that we found someone that we think will stay by our sides forever. However, even family seem to turn their back on us without a second thought. It's crazy how the things that do last are the ones we want to tear away from our lives but the things that are slipping through our fingers are what we cling onto even when gone. Though there is the luck of memory, the strong power of memory that can temporarily be lost and just one simple word, a simple place, maybe even a person can instantly bring back what once was lost.

Locking eyes with her, she took this opportunity to present a smile in the attempt to relax the tight feeling in my chest. However, my reply was to narrow my eyes ever so slightly before swallowing thick and instantly looking away from her, staring out at the view through the massive window. I heard her take in a frustrated sigh before finally speaking my name since we walked through those doors which did not make me look over at her once again and because of that, she spoke my name once again and this time, I did turn to show I was paying attention.

She again smiled which sent shivers through me as I felt the lack of emotion lurking in that one gesture.

"I'm Mary."

Raising my eyebrows, I nodded and presented a little smile still confused why I am sitting in this room and that curiosity got the better of me as I asked her why.

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