Nightmare Bonnie X Reader

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(requested by B-ONNlE)Nightmare Bonnie X Reader :3 Your name is (Y/N) (L/N)

(Y/N) (L/N) was a smart girl who never quit anything. She absolutely loved to be in the robotics club. She could fix and program anything you gave to her. It was just simple when it came to robotics. Her parents praised her for all the hard work she had done to get to that point.

And now she would have to test her skills.

(Y/N) walked from school with her best friend, Diana Spooner. It seemed like a perfect day in fall. The sidewalk was littered with leaves and acorns, and a slight wind was blowing. (Y/N) and Diana were in Middle school, their backpacks heavy with textbooks and homework.

As they walked down the sidewalk Diana complained, "Ugh, why did Mr. B give us so much homework?" (Y/N) shrugged. "He always does." She responded. "Its like he wants to break out fingers with pencils." Diana laughed. "Oh my (Y/N)."

You both started giggling. After a few minutes you came across Diana's house. "Bye (Y/N)!" She yelled. (Y/N) nodded her head. "And oh! Don't let the freak get you!" "Pssh. Canada was out of her mind. She just made up the rumor to make everyone scared."

Diana did not respond, due to that she was already in her house. (Y/N) looked at her house one last time before walking away. She thought about Canada's rumor. Was it...true? Nah.

(Y/N) walked down the sidewalk all by herself. It was getting late, and the sky was darkening. The street lamps began to turn on.

The road was empty, and the leaves fluttered everywhere. (Y/N) tried hard not to be scared. She jumped everytime she stepped on a brittle leaf. Or a branch. "Calm down (Y/N)." She told herself.

(Y/N) kept waking until she tripped on a big log. "Ughh..." It groaned. (Y/N) quickly stood up in alarm. This was no ordinary log. It was a indigo creature with whiskers and sharp teeth and claws. She wanted to scream, but it wouldn't come out. "" It groaned again. (Y/N) felt pity for the beast.

After a few seconds of silence, she decided to take it home with her. She grabbed it's shoulders and tried to carry it. Unfortunately, the creature was to heavy to lift, so (Y/N) decided to drag it. "Drag me by my leg." It responded in pain. (Y/N) did so and dragged it across the sidewalk.

Finally after the heavy effort, (Y/N) was able to drag it behind her house. She set it down near the tool shed. "Thank you.." It mumbled.

(Y/N) didn't know what to do with it. Should she help it? Leave it there until tomorrow? Maybe she should help it after all. "Wait there." (Y/N) patted his foot and went to the shed. "You think." It replied.

While (Y/N) searched for her tools, she wondered if this was the robotic freak Canada spoke about. Possibly. Finally she grabbed the right tools and headed back to it. She started working right away, fixing any joints and broken parts. It took her a while, but she managed to help it enough so it could stand.

She could not do anything about his tattered suit however.

(Y/N) stood back, signaling that she was done. The creature blinked at her and slowly began to stand up. It was about 4 feet taller than her. "Hi..." It whispered. "Thanks."

(Y/N) smiled and nodded her head. "What is your name?" She then asked. "My name is Nightmare Bonnie, but you can just call me Bonnie." He replied.

(Y/N) realized a little too late that Bonnie was a male. "My name is (Y/N)." (Y/N) told him. "Nice." He seemed to be smiling, despite his sharp teeth.

"Is this your house?" (Y/N) nodded. "My parents aren't home though."

Nightmare Bonnie smirked. At least he would get to be alone with (Y/N).... Bonnie knew that since she tried to help him, he had loved her. She seemed nice and patient. And he would try to win her heart.

"Hey (Y/N), can I take a look inside?"

"Oh um, sure." (Y/N) opened a screen door. Bonnie followed her in, ducking his head. The house seemed nice inside, with a small living room and a small kitchen. "The bedrooms are upstairs." (Y/N) tried hard not to laugh.

"Heh." Bonnie got her joke. "I need to do my homework, ok?" (Y/N) disappeared around a corner. He secretly followed behind. There was hidden stairs leading to the upper floors. When (Y/N) got to her bedroom, she let the door open a crack.

Bonnie snuck to the door and watched the crack.

(Y/N) began to undress herself and change to her pajamas. Bonnie, of course, was watching. His nose began to bleed. He knew it was wrong to watch, so he backed away. Unfortunately a rubber ball was behind his foot, and Bonnie accidently stepped on it.

"Who is there?" (Y/N) dressed herself quickly and headed to the door. "I'm busted." Bonnie mumbled. (Y/N) saw him. "B-Bonnie...? You were" She blushed. "Yeah..." Bonnie smirked. (Y/N) kept blushing. "You are pretty hot you know." He added. And with that, he leaned in and kissed (Y/N). (Y/N) gasped, but then she began kissing him back.

They made out for a minute until Nightmare Bonnie felt that it wasn't enough. He grabbed her and carried her. "B-Bonnie what are you doing?" (Y/N) blushed harder. "Oh you know~" He carried her inside the room, and locked the door.

(Y/N) grew up and married Nightmare Bonnie, and they both had 2 children. (Y/N) became specialized in programing, and had a good life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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