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connie_uwu: who is this?

doddleoddle: connie?!?! are you okat?!?!


connie_uwu: no, I'm sorry i'm not connie. my name is Jonathan, i work for the fire department. the train connie was on crashed. im so sorry

doddleoddle: but shes okay riagzr

doddleoddle: right** please twll me shes okay i love her okease honathan

connie_uwu: what is your name?

doddleoddle: dodie

connie_uwu: dodie, im so sorry. connie didn't make it. she and four other passengers were severely injured and we didnt make it in time to save them

doddleoddle: no nk this isnt true

connie_uwu: i'm very sorry, dodie. do you live nearby to where the train crashed?

doddleoddle: i nesn yeah i guesss iem vlose to the train

doddleoddle: imbsorry ny tezts dint make sende im shakinf a lottt

connie_uwu: that's alright, do you want to come down and see her one more time?

doddleoddle: no. i want to remsmber connie as alive and hapoy wigh me not dead

connie_uwu: that is understandable. i will keep her phone on me for a bit, i am contacting more family members as well. so if you need anything or have any questions. just call me.

doddleoddle: okay.

doddleoddle: can you go to connie reLly quick and tell her i said i love her and we will be together again someday

connie_uwu: of course

she.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin