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GOAL 40 views and 30 votes!!!! Please help me reach my goal thankksssss!!!☺☺🤗🤗🤗

Harper and I finally made it out of the little ice cream shop, which i would totally go again to, it was so cute!!

We both made it to our cars and split ways.

"See you Monday!!" Harper yelled from her car window.

"Byeeeee," I yelled back waving, as she took off.

Once I got into my car, I turned on the radio to hear my favorite song, Distraction by Kehlani.

I hurried and turned up the music, as I sang to the song.

"Do you, do you, wanna be, a distraction baby,! I sang at the top of my lungs when i stopped at red light.

I looked over to my left to see the same boy in the ice cream shop, smirk at me.

Omg what a great way to humiliate yourself Selena. I hit my head on the steering wheel, and looked back up to my left to see him know laughing at me.

"Omg, im so lucky he doesnt go to the same school as me," I said as I took off, once the light was green.

I finally made it back to my house and parked my car in the garage, and headed toward the house.

"Hey mom," I said as I entered the house, throwing the keys onto the table.

"Hey honey how was school," mom asked entering the living room.

"Great how was yours?" I replied.

"Totally fine, i need to show you something too," She said pushing me to the kitchen window.

"Omg, we finally have neighbors, "I said clapping, and looking at the moving truck.

"You need to give them a welcome-to-the-neighborhood basket," My mom said finishing her coffee.

If you didn't know what that is its a basket full of literary muffins and other stuff my mom gets.

I finally noticed the moving truck door open.
Out popped a little girl, a dad, her mother, and a boy that looked my age.

While i was still looking through the curtain in the kitchen the boy turned and looked my way with a smirk.

"Oh lord, its the same guy,"I whispered to myself, as i shut the curtains as fast as i could.

"Um mom i think its best if you give them the basket," I said to her as i grabbed an apple and ran upstairs.


Thanks for reading

Please help me reach my goal😚😚😚😚


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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