June 18

28 2 5

June 18, 1812

Dearest Beila, 

I am aware that it has been two days since I have written you last. Two days of marching, resting, and marching again the next. It's a little tiring, but I believe that I am strong enough to carry on. I hope all is well back in Paris, that your younger sister's are not being too disobedient in my absence. Though, I am sure that you will keep them in line. 

You baffle me sometimes, Beila. How strong, independent you are. You are shaping up to be a great woman, all your sisters are. I do wish I could hear from you, even if it's in the form of words in your familiar hand-writing. I miss being able to speak with you in the mornings before your sisters waken, as I am sure you miss me as well. 

Things are well with the army, just a lot of walking is all. I have not yet properly talked with any of my fellow soldiers, as I figure that we will be attacked. I feel that it will be better that I don't make any close friends in fear that they are killed. Russia is a big country, and with the refusal to abide by the continental system, they must be independent as well. Which is why we must put them back in their rightful place. 

Though, I mustn't bore you with things that you are already aware of. So, in short, we have marched for two days. I thought I would inform you of this because I thought I heard your voice today, telling me of how you and your sisters worry about my demise every time I get called into service. It saddens me that in truth you have probably already concluded that something has happened to me. 

But, nothing has. I am in good health and have no injuries. Just sore feet. 

Send my love to your sisters.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2012 ⏰

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