Chapter 3

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The next morning rolled by slowly and I enjoyed it. Usually I don't care for slow mornings but for that day, I did. Roxanne was dropped off at school and I decided to go to a cafe and treat myself.

When I walked in the place, I just decided on a bagel and coffee. I sat down at one of the booths, alone ironically, and stared out the window.

The door opened and the little bell rang, which indicated someone just walked in. Carelessly, I turned to see the new guest and my jaw dropped. The man I thought I wouldn't see in forever, Travis.

He went to order something and paid with his credit card. While he waited for his order, he looked up and his eyes met mine.

I felt so small and I couldn't believe I was finally seeing him again. He was the one who granted me freedom; he was the first person who actually knew me, even when I was caught in the biggest lie of my life.

"Mag—" he said and I immediately got up.

"It's you, right? You're the one who wrote the threatening letter to me?" I said. I kept my voice low so none of the other people would hear.

"What? Slow down, Maggie." He said. He looked completely dumbfounded. Once his order was done, which seemed to be a toasted cream-cheese bagel, he took his latte and bagel and we sat at my booth.

"You know what I'm talking about. It has to be you." I said. It all makes sense. He was the only one who knew I was free; he granted me my freedom.

"Maggie? You're making no sense right now. I'm completely lost." He said and sipped his latte.

I sifted through my purse and retrieved the folded letter. I set it in the center of the table and slid it over to him.

"Maggie, I didn't write this." He admitted. "Why would I get you out of jail and then write some deceiving letter? I know you're much better than you used to be. You've changed." He told me.

"Then who wrote it?" I rubbed my temples in frustration.

Breakfast went by slower than usual and it was mostly just unbroken silence and sips of coffee and looking out the window. That's when Travis spoke again.

"Maggie, there's something I need to tell you."

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